Thursday, January 04, 2024

A Guest Author Tomorrow


This week-end and maybe next, there will be a treat for readers with a guest post by Susan J. Tweit. I do not mean she'd do two but that I'd leave hers up two because of the value I believe it has for our lives and for nature.

I first met Susan, online, when she was living in Cody, Wyoming, rehoming, as I think she calls it, a ranch house. She bought it, knowing it needed upgrading and a touch to turn it back into the real home, which she saw it could be.

At that time, she also spent time in Yellowstone Park, with permission, to remove invasive weeds. As a botanist, she knows the plants that come into an area and push out the native born plants, those more beneficial to the wildlife and land. 

Since then, I've followed along as she rehomed more homes in the western United States, written more books, removed more invasive weeds, and basically has shared what she knows to hopefully help us live our lives more fully and help this earth on which we live and depend. She speaks with groups as well as writes those books, of which there are now 14, some in collaboration, all nature oriented and about how we live our lives. 

Susan writes in a way that is easy to follow, which isn't always true of trained scientists. She shares, of her life, what she feels will help the world and hence why I wanted her here on this blog. Tomorrow she will share some of that here for readers, as well as links to her work. I hope you'll be sure and be back for that as I believe it will enhance anyone's life, no matter from what country they might come. What is true in our sagebrush west, is true many places. All land has value if we take care of it. As we take care of it, it also nurtures us.

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