Monday, November 13, 2023



Alongside here is what is supposed to be a signup for my newsletter. There have been some complications in that I hadn't sent one for too long (by Mail Chimp's standards) about which, I can't disagree. Because I hadn't had a new book out, and there were assorted reasons for that, I don't send the newsletter, as its intention is not to spam people but only when a new work is coming or a price change. 

When we went to get Mail Chimp going, we got an out of service notice or something like that. Well, that is now working, but there are some new requirements begun by the EU and spreading here to protect those who might find themselves signed up when they didn't want to be. That meant previous addresses had been lost. Mail Chimp promises they don't sell their list or keep it long. I hope that's true as it is what is best for clients.

If you find it of interest to know more about new, Rain Trueax books, check the link out. It's at the top of the column. I am sometimes reluctant to mention new books here as not all of those who read this blog care about my writing. 

The new books always appear in the links alongside here with their images but only those that go to Amazon. The ones coming next will be historical and they always go wide.

Anyway, the joys of the internet, which we need but can be frustrating at the same time. *s* 

If you have questions regarding this, feel free to email me; and my address is in my profile

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