Saturday, October 14, 2023

black swans


Before what happened last Saturday in Israel, I had a plan for a blog. Changing that plan, came a black swan, of the worst kind. There is no way I could write my original idea, after the atrocities, and yes, evil was perpetrated there. I get it that some of my readers may see this other than how I do. I can only write here how I see things based on many things, including my knowledge of the history of the land. It matters to many of us, Jew or not, as the spiritual significance of that place to so many religions. Besides which, the history of man's communities, fascinates those of us who write..

My decision to not write about that Saturday might change with time, but as it stands, I don't want to write about these kind of events. I get it that some who read here already know. Some have their head in the sand, can't blame them; but either way, the big thing now is healing, including for those of us not directly involved in that horror. I have not slept a solid night through ever since.

I wish I knew more about those of you, who read here, but I do not. Very few comment of those who come. That is freedom, of course. You might consider becoming a real person here if you want meaningful conversations. If not, continue reading and best wishes that whatever I share here might bee beneficial for inspiration, education, or just being in a community of some sort.

For now, in terms of finding moments for healing, I found a link to something I put together a few years back. I think it can be soothing. The music is from a company, unfortunately no longer doing music for videos. I bought it though and am glad I have license rights from Jewel Beat for Distant Tales. The images are ours.

Roses in the Rain

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