Saturday, August 26, 2023

Late August


As it stands, I don't have anything much to write about. Things are happening, good things, but they involve family, who I don't use in this blog (privacy for them). But it's been an interesting time for weather. The belated monsoons have arrived but with varying amounts of rain, depending on where someone lives in the Tucson valley. We got one with 3/4" of rain and another with just 1/10". The first had wonderful lightning strikes and much more rain elsewhere with some major damage. That's one thing about this desert valley, there can be a huge difference only a mile apart.

Even when the monsoons aren't producing big storms, their clouds are awesome as they slide by us to other areas. Predicting what they will do is a challenge even for the meteorologists. I was just glad no fires from those bolts. I'd have tried for a photo, as so many strikes, but sometimes a person has to just enjoy as photos of lightning are hard to get in my experience.


The barrel cactus are blooming, which makes for a lot of color as its the last cactus to bloom for the season. If we happen to be here, we enjoy this show. This year we saw a lot of new ones starting out in other areas; so good for the future.

The following pictures are what I have for now. Beauty is the desert.



More on writing coming up. I am doing a lot of editing, but there is that book I began before the pandemic hit us. I have more of an idea what comes next :) And there are the eight Arizona historical romances where we still need to write blurbs. Ugh on blubs, as bad as a synopsis-- no, worse!

1 comment:

  1. Lightning-
    Nineteen times I flew a small helicopter home to St. Louis from Torrance, California. Frequently on that trip I would stop at Tucson International airport. In the office there where I paid for my fuel there was a lightning indicator, because the weather can change so dramatically just South of Tucson near Benson. (The terrain is rising pretty quickly there.) In my 52 years of flying this is the only place I ever saw a "lightning indicator" in an indicator.
