Sunday, May 01, 2022


 Beltane, May 1, my father's birthday many years ago. Happy Birthday, Daddy.


  1. Just wanted to let you know that after two? weeks I have to approve comments and I have been negligent in monitoring my blog. So your posts (all) came on through.

  2. Looks like the hint of a rainbow above your Father's head. Hope all is well with you. I understand from others Blogspot is having problems with comments on blogs in case you're encountering any of that.

  3. Well, now I just went back to the photo and I don't see the colors for rainbow I thought I saw before. Hm-m-m!

  4. Hope you're just taking a break for renewal, writing a book or engaging in some pleasurable activity.

  5. I've been sick among other things. Better now. I also got Menieres Disease which is the ear buzzing and dizziness problem of the inner ear. I had gotten tinnitus but found over the counter help for it. It has not been an easy time but I will get back to the blog world, both to read and write. Just I need to feel better
