I have mentioned changes coming ahead and want to say a bit more about what is next for this blog. Before that though, I had another health issue arise and would like to inform others in case this kind of thing could catch them by surprise as it did me.
Recently, I experienced a bout of low blood sugar, hypoglycemia when it is permanent. I woke up one morning and didn't feel right at all. We did the usual poke the finger to get a blood sugar reading (which I wanted to check for diabetes not imagining low blood sugar). It's not like the first time it's happened, but this time was unconnected to nightshades. What happened is I was shaky, felt tired already, unsteady, didn't want to eat anything. My husband recognized the symptoms based on experiences with his mom.
The numbers confirmed I was going the wrong way with my blood sugar. 70 is just barely okay, but it was not okay for me. So some sugar, honey, toast I didn't want, orange slices, and we got the numbers up to the 90s and later in the day mid-80s. Those are okay numbers but the reason for all of this is not okay. The reasons people develop low blood sugar readings are various but it's not a good place to be.
This chronic problem is hard to diagnose or deal with but we've been reading about it. It leads to a lot of symptoms I've been experiencing, like anxiety, odd heart beats, shakiness,
etc. etc.
Time for more diet adjustments, which means more complex carbohydrates, which many of us have avoided. I've not been eating healthily for getting something like low blood sugar. I've had a normal breakfast, my lunch has been light, and I've skipped the evening meal because I just didn't want food then. Guess my body disagreed.
Another is no whiskey as it can be a trigger especially as I was using it to feel normal for my blood sugar. As with so many things, it has other impacts. I never liked feeling drunk but sips of it off and on during the day to deal with the tremors had other implications.
If you have experienced hypoglycemia and know what someone can do to avoid the symptoms, I hope you will share.
So, our trip north has become dicey as to when we leave with so much to do once we arrive. Due to my illness and the weather, we will wait at least a week for going. Will reservations be more difficult in June? who knows. Either way, we are going-- getting in hay, fertilizing fields, separating cow calf pairs, selling a few, getting a crew out to cut the bad limbs off the huge oak trees, and on it goes. Not to mention getting there with three cats who will hate it all, then building a safe fence for them to be outside but not as they once were. The farm has new dwellers, including a cat.
That doesn't impact the blog but lack of internet does (no cell cover at the farm) and a lot of the RV parks say they have internet, but they do not. As best I can figure it out, it will be October or maybe early September before we are where I'll be able to publish a blog. Again, who knows as life can take some abrupt turns.
To keep this blog active, when I cannot be online, I had one idea-- my older blogs that I can pre-publish, where most readers today won't have seen them and some (in my opinion) are worth considering. I won't include comments with them as sadly many of the early blog commenters have since died. A reminder of the shortness of life.
Another possibility would be if someone wanted to take over the blog for a few months. I had hoped that would be Diane, but she had other directions to travel. I'd like to keep the blog active even if it's old thoughts-- they all are things with which I still like to think-- not like I agreed with all I wrote back then. I've changed in many ways. What I will share the next few months will be those ideas that I still consider relevant to my life. You won't know what I am doing from the posts, but I already told you-- living in a vacation trailer.
Photos above are of the garden Ranch Boss created at our Tucson home. Fortunately, we have nice neighbors who will look after the house, pool and maybe eat some of the veggies and pick the flowers until we can return. As it stands, we have no idea when that will be but we love this place. The trailer in the photo below is one we may have to sell if we keep the new (to us) one. That will be decided in the fall.
I love your idea of publishing a few old blogs.
ReplyDeleteAs for what I can offer: Writing news letters is difficult even though I can publish more pictures. Now that I am working on letter 6 and have not found a gardener or a contractor who can follow through to finish their work I am stressed and pushing my physical abilities to do the yard and house work.. Hopefully a new phone with the ability to take smaller pictures will allow me to post more pictures on this blog. By fall I will probably be in a position to continue with this blog as well as having a web site for my paintings for sale. If anyone of your regular readers want to receive my Widow Diane's art news letter, please e-mail me and I will include them in the group mailing. Maybe that will help keep the membership of the blog engaged.
My mother had hyperglycemia. Once a year she went for an overnight hospital study. It is a condition to take seriously.
ReplyDeleteI think when you get back to the blog you can also promote your paintings there. We'll work it out.
ReplyDeleteAnd my blood sugar, it's been 82 or higher since so we'll se if diet solves this problem.
Rain I had major boughts with hypoglycemia especially when i divorced and wasnt eating properly. What i found worked best was protein bars. You can't just eat sugar alone because it drops even faster. Another thing i found were medule dates they actually have protein and can be nearby. Cheese will pull you up too fast if you take it with orange juice.My kids got very good at recognizing the symptoms. Also if you are a big caffine person back that up. I was drinking intirelly too much caffine at the time.
ReplyDeleteGood tips, Diann, thanks. I remembered about the bars. I am sure stress over travel is a factor right now.
ReplyDeleteHappily after cancelling the original RV park reservations, we got new ones that will work better although leaving later. It gave us more time to be sure the trailer is ready as well as this place. We want to water some of the desert trees as with a drought, they won't survive if we do not.
ReplyDeleteI hope that you will find a place that has internet service so that you can continue, otherwise reruns would be fine.
ReplyDeleteTake care!
Thanks Brig. i know the farm has not had it as we are not where there is cell coverage. We might be able to eventually connect with the farm's wireless but it's being used by those who are working from home off and on as well as the boys with their games. It's just uncertain, which is why the old blogs, which actually I enjoyed reading again-- in some cases. I've sure changed my view politically :). Did the world change or did I? lol
ReplyDeleteAlthough my blog for the summer will be, in a sense, looking behind, I will be looking ahead to what life will be like for say 3 or 4 months in a vacation trailer. Many live this way all the time. I'll get a taste of it. I might post some more photos on the interior of that trailer this week since we won't lose internet until the week-end. It's a very nice trailer but definitely different for us even though the home in Tucson is not a big house.
ReplyDeleteSafe travels and I will enjoy reading your old posts!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Darrell. I have one set up for tomorrow that shows the trailer inside. I've enjoyed reading from those who travel all the time but not sure how much I'll like trailer life for myself :)