Friday, January 15, 2021

the law of attraction

 by Rain Trueax


In our reading aloud to each other, we started one book in 2020 and finished it early in 2021. I had heard a recommendation for it from a Facebook friend. In 2007, I had read the book on which it was based, The Secret, and bought the DVD. The theory is there is a secret to getting what you want from the Universe and you can learn it as many others have. This particular book is titled, How The Secret Changed My Life by Rhonda Byrne. It is supposed to be real people with their stories in where their lives were and how The Secret came into them and they got what they had always wanted. The DVD actually came out before the book but both were created by Rhonda Byrne.

So... my history with earlier reading and seeing The Secret was that although I do think there is a law of attraction, I think the book simplified much of what life is about. We do not draw all to us nor can we. Follow the steps all we want but in the end, stuff happens. But I was open to reading how it had worked in other people's lives-- and hoped the stories hadn't been created and that they had been investigated to be sure what the writers claimed was what happened.

In a simple way, you ask for what you want. Believe you will get it, feel grateful you did and then you receive. There is more to it than that with visualizations, gratitude journals, etc. but the general idea is the Universe has all you want. Just ask and believe you will get it, making room to receive.

The video is much like the book with various philosophers talking about how it works. I have the book in Oregon and brought the video down here as I planned to loan it to a friend before the virus changed everything.

I believe in the law of attraction to some degree. If we wallow in hate or fear, we draw it to us. Hence, the need for positive thinking, something you can find in other books as well as the Bible where it comes to prayer and when Jesus said if you believe you can move a mountain.

What I don't believe is this explains all that happens to us. How the Secret Changed My Life goes into many people's story with how they used it for love, relationships, health, career, and money. 

We read it all as we have been doing but definitely didn't agree that it explains all of life, which means we don't believe and hence that means it won't work. I just have seen too many times where things happen to people that don't remotely seem they brought on.

Still, it doesn't hurt to ask, believe it will work, and make room to receive. It''s not like it costs anything unless you make that a substitute for good health practices, responsible spending, and getting training for the career you would like better than what you have. Positive thinking.

One more thing goes along with this, and it's a dream I had recently. I don't recall it all, but at the end, I had been given two ways to do magic to get to where I wanted something to be. I looked at them and thought, well, I can just go beyond them to the next level. The thought I woke up with was-- don't skip steps.

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