Friday, January 29, 2021

It's a time of dreaming

 by Rain Trueax


Pretty much, I dream every night. I do not always remember the dreams. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with one but lose it by morning. It is recommended that we keep a dream journal alongside the bed, but I am more concerned with going right back to sleep and feel that might make it harder. I always wake up knowing I dreamed but often with no memory of the details-- or I remember the ending but not how the characters got there. I've had a few dreams where I have used lucid dreaming to finish a dream-- that can be fun to resolve what the mind playing games with itself has created. Once in a while, I wake from a dream, go back to sleep and take up where I had left off.

The question is often asked from where do dreams come? I have no idea. I usually don't know the people in my dreams; but when I do, they are rarely ones I would have thought about during the day. Once in a while it'll be a celebrity but again not one I'll have seen anything about recently. 

The other day I got to thinking how my dreams tend to fall in categories. I have yet to have fortunetelling dreams, but some say they do. Whenever I remember a dream, if the images seem unusual, I go to an online dream dictionary. Mostly, I am looking into if they might have meaning for my life. I do think I get dreams with messages of reassurances or warnings that I am going the wrong direction-- my subconscious trying to speak to me when daily I keep my mind too busy for communication. Mostly I enjoy my dreams and only very rarely have a nightmare where I wake up feeling upset.

Many of the types of dreams I have are what I think are the usual-- lost dreams where I can't find my car or the way out of a building (one where I've never been). I had one earlier this week where I have to drive to a nearby town (it was from the farm) and fog is so thick that it is difficult to see. Then the fog breaks. I get to the town where I need to find the right floor for my hotel room. Nothing goes right as I am on the right floor, but walk up stairs to the 6th floor where I realize I had been on the right floor and walk back down. A young man, sitting on a sofa and watching, offers to help me. I nod but then think he might be dangerous. I woke before I found out. 

I think forgetting my locker combination fits in lost dreams. Another that does is where I realize I haven't attended a single class and finals are due.-- too late to drop the course. Funny how many years you can be from going to school and still carry those thoughts around.

Another of my dream categories are what I call community dreams, where I am with a bunch of people and we are trying to get something done. They might be family members, friends, or sometimes people I don't know. Those dreams are pleasing and sometimes involve a church, one I may or may not have ever been to. Community dreams make up for the isolation I am feeling with the pandemic.

Travel dreams are fun where it's a beautiful ocean and I am walking alongside it. Sometimes I have animals in dreams where there is no story, like say a lion, and it's when I head for the dream interpretation site to see if it is significant. It isn't always.

Sometimes I have what I call prosaic dreams. Shopping in a store, where I might not have ever been, just the routine elements of life-- no meaning and no excitement. Now and then I dream something that fits into my daily life and have to think if it happened or was in a dream. This particularly can be when I write something in a dream but didn't in real life. It can take a little time to sort that out. My dreams are very realistic and in full color.

The most fun dreams are what I call movie dreams. I say that these are from the muse. They involve a plot and once in a while can be used in a book. Rarely, I am in them. I wrote one down from over a year ago and thought I'd share it next Saturday, with not only the dream but also how, at the time, I thought I could use it. I, by the way, have yet to do so but who knows in the future.

How about you? Do you dream or remember dreams? Do they fall into types if you do?




  1. I only occasionally dream any more, at least I guess they're less frequent based on those that I remember when I awaken. I've never made much of an effort trying to control or influence them.

  2. I don't control most of mine either. Like when my husband drove our truck off a bank and into a flowing river where I was wondering what to do when I woke up to end the dream. Dreams seem unrelated usually to my daily life and that means for who is in them.
