Friday, January 01, 2021

a new start and dreams

by Rain Trueax

We are in a new year and it's a time when many make resolutions or create vision or storyboards for what they want the year to look like. For many, 2020 was a year that seemed to destroy dreams. How do we plan what we want with a pandemic raging? Will some who lost their jobs with lock-downs ever get them back? What will happen as the political agendas change? It's unknown territory and mostly out of our control. Shouldn't we concentrate instead on our personal lives? Can't we figure out what we want, decide if what we have in our life suits us?

For some, who live long enough, we have to rework who we are again and again in life. When we are children, parents and society control a lot of our lives. Then we become adults and can make choices-- if we can afford them. Along comes middle age. Did we do what we wanted? Can we change it? There are choices of having children or not, careers, home locations, religions, politics, and on it goes.

In 2000, I wrote what I saw as my ideal day. The idea was focus on it and you will get it. Christ taught to believe and you will receive. A popular book, The Secret, came along later with much the same view. I  recently looked back on that ideal day of 20 years ago and thought-- why didn't I get it? Would it have been the wrong thing for my life? 

Part of it was a reality already. I painted and sculpted and wrote. At that time, being an indie writer wasn't a possibility but as soon as that opened up in 2012, for me, I went for it. I purposely left the name of the man out that day, as it was the relationship, not the name that mattered. The woman friend likewise represented my desire to have female friends in my life. It mattered their interests but not who they were.

The life I have today is very different, but maybe it's what I couldn't have imagined all those years ago. As an old woman, can I re-imagine again a different one ahead? That's the magic of life-- we don't know. (I should add it wouldn't be that one from 20 years ago. Different ages lead to different dreams).

Describing my ideal Day~~ written January 17, 2000 D

I wake with the light and lie in bed a few moments as I remember my dream. It was vivid, full of color and life. I was loving a man, feeling his touch, his embrace, his kiss... The dream and reality blend together. Has my lover been with me before in a Western time when he was on the run and we were having to stay apart because of the danger to both himself and me? Cannot know. I think of whether this could make a book and before I forget, jot down notes for later consideration.

I rise and dress in jeans and flannel shirt, boots and heavy socks and pull on a heavy coat to go outside for a few moments to embrace the morning. The air is crisp and clear. I see my breath in front of my face as I walk down to the barns. They are below the log home and there are two horses inside waiting for flakes of hay. I know the man has been here, but I like to go also.

I stretch my legs into a quick stride as I walk a couple of miles for exercise. My thoughts are full of plans but also enjoying the quiet of the morning. It feels good to walk along this dirt road, to hear the vast silence, see a little snow on the hills above me, a hawk soaring in the distance against the crystal blue sky.

Back in the house, I fix breakfast, click on the computer in the kitchen as I glance at the news, and decide on which of my projects to work. There is a sculpture, painting and book in various stages. The painting and sculpture are for a small gallery a few hundred miles away, and the book for a publisher. It provides enough income to live simply. 


I choose the soul painting because my passion is high. I need time with color, light and motion. The dream is still restless within me. I am eager to see my painting take life, to watch it fill the canvas and become a statement about all I am experiencing as I learn more and more about Spirit and how it can fill my days and me with love. 

The man returns. He is cold and fills the room with the smell of early morning, of juniper and grass. When he kisses me, I melt into him, feel the oneness I had never known until he came into my life. He sips his coffee, talking as I paint. He doesn’t need to see my work and is full of his own plans. We separate as he goes off for his day and I continue in mine.

A woman, who lives half a mile down the road, drops by and we drink tea and spend an hour discussing the latest problems in the gallery and her own book.

One of my kids calls and we talk about what is going on with their life. They are doing well and although we don’t live close, we exchange energy and the love is always there as we give each other the freedom to follow our own paths.

By evening I am ready to start dinner. I cook light Italian, happy to think the man will be back to enjoy it. I pour a small glass of wine and sip as I chop vegetables and sauté the chicken. I think how blessed I am to have this life, to be living the dream I only imagined for so many years.

When he returns, we have dinner by candlelight. The house is not large, only two bedrooms and the furniture not fancy but rustic, but the feeling is full of warmth and music. A fire is in the small corner fireplace and candles light the table. He tells me of what he did during the day, and we talk about the latest political situations.

In the evening we sit and listen to music, cuddled in front of the fireplace. That doesn't last long as we stoke fires within ourselves and make love in front of the fire. This man is my soul mate. He is the one I have dreamed of and for this moment I have him with me... If only for the day...

All of these paintings are imaginary and digital when I was doing a lot more of those. The story also was imaginary or maybe it is the essence of every one of my romance novels-- the relationship, the power the heroine has to be strong in her own right. Maybe it happened but not as I had thought it back in January 2000.


  1. Twenty years ago we were so young. A few years later I imagined my future life would be ideally. Not just a day. One painting was of Fisherman Hubby passing the salt shaker to Farm Boss and Rain as she just finished saying her thought as I chained my neck towards her listening. We were dining at a table with the center pièce being a tea kettle and four peaches symbolizing long life. One peach nearest me was small. Because at that time 2003 I thought I would be the first to pass away. Looking back at these paintings, some are with Fisherman Hubby and some are things I wanted to be alone.

  2. I don't really believe the idea that the universe will give you what you want if you visualize and ask for it the right way. I think things are not so easily controlled, the universe is a complicated place. I haven't achieved my dreams either, but I realize that part of the reason for that is that I was not prepared to be so single-minded and persevering when encountering obstacles to those dreams. Life got in the way and I didn't fight it. But despite not achieving my dreams I am happy enough.

  3. Elizabeth, I share your feelings. We are reading the book where various people claim it's how it works for them. It makes me think about being positive and concentrating on what we want but it's obvious it does not always work out-- life can interfere. I like it when I know what I want and right now, I don't. I am just getting along with how it is.

  4. I remember that painting, Diane. It's why your fisherman hubby's loss has been so painful. It was the four of us so often but life goes on and he'll always be part of us as that foursome because of all those memories. The three of us will make new memories.

  5. Rain, sometimes there's a fallow year. Not comfortable but sometimes necessary, and ultimately fruitful. I feel like I am in a fallow year. Lotta dreams and ideas but nothing really happening. I'm sure Covid is providing a fallow year for lots of folks.

  6. I agree, ElizabethAnn, it's just strange when you always thought you knew and often it worked out-- irrespective of The Dream :). We are reading, in our daily reading to each other, the book about how the secret changed individual people's lives. Sometimes I see it in the stories and sometimes not so much. It's interesting though to think about what people believe as many believe the same thing about prayer.

  7. I had no idea you were such an accomplished artist as well as a writer, Rain. I used to enjoy oil paints so much and hope to spend some time painting during this new year.

  8. Caroline, I'd like to go back to oils also. There is nothing like them for me but tremors complicated it. Maybe that will get better (fingers crossed).

  9. Rain, I have been meaning to let you know, I read your blog every Saturday. Even though I dislike reading your political thoughts, as we are 180 degrees apart. At the age of 71, I have learned it is very difficult to change anyone's political perceptions, and so I have never tried to argue with you, instead I just scroll past your political views.

    I keep reading you as you have a unique view of the human experience. I especially enjoy your comments on the aging process. In fact, it was a posting at Hinessight that caused me to start reading your blog. You did it again in this posting when you wrote about our choices in different stages of our life.

    I also watched your YouTube clip that you posted some time back. You sounded just like the voice in my head when I read your entries!

    I will really miss our annual winter trip, this year, to the Southwest. Last winter we stayed at Catalina State Park for the first time. We looked up at the same view you have posted photos of. We enjoyed looking at the Catalina Mountains just as you are lucky to get to do, everyday!

    Beaverton Oregon

  10. Thanks for letting me know, William. I wouldn't mind your posting opposing views on what I write but I try to stay away from politics and it's more cultural in my interests. I have many though who I scroll past also as no point in getting upset.

    We might've driven past your rig last year at Catalina as we often go through the campground there just to see the different ones. We have a travel trailer but have considered getting something else. Due to Covid, we've been there far less often, that and the big fire in the summer.

    Thanks again for commenting. It means a lot to hear from readers as blogging can seem a kind of lonely pursuit.
