by Rain Trueax
With the virus and our own distance from family, this is a different Christmas with just the two of us. In another year, without a pandemic, we might've been in Oregon, or if down here, invited friends to get together. There are too many unknowns to do that this year. So it's us, our desert home, and our cats. No complaints given we've both had some wonderful Christmas times. Things change and getting on a plane or asking family to do that (they wouldn't) is not in the picture. Most of us understand that the virus is not over-- not yet.So, we had this fun artificial Christmas tree. We bought ornaments and lights, then added a couple of other images for the tree. When we bought them, I hadn't thought of the symbolism, that I very much like. Humankind (represented by the Nutcracker); nature (by the owls) and the angels to represent the spiritual world. In the past, I only went for pretty ornaments, old family ones, but this kind of gives this new tree something special. I am so glad we did it after years of no tree at all. Artificial or not, it soothe the soul in a time like this.
Then there are the green wreathes and our cats. Two of them are near one of the greens. The third was with Ranch Boss' shirt and an afghan my mom made for us years ago. Again, it all appeals.They are family as many pets are for those who love them.
The so-called Christmas or Solstice star is due the 21st, when the days gradually will lengthen. I hope we can get photos of it given clouds are iffy right now. Here is where the two planets were converging earlier this month. There are some astrological possibilities for it. Check those out if you are interested. It has been over 800 years since this was last seen. I hope we get some photos as we won't be around when it happens again. Will mankind?
Finally, i have some thoughts on the virus. I know many are sick of hearing about it; so good place to stop if that's you.
One thing that bothers me about Covid-19 is we don't really know as much about it as we'd like. I read a lot and it often contradicts.
Let's start with the vaccines. They say it's safe for those who don't have allergies to food or medicines. Would that be me since I haven't been able to do the flu shot for over 40 years (really sick with the last one and lump that lasted months). How long does the vaccine protect someone? 5 months? A year? The scientists cannot yet know, as testing began maybe 6 months ago. How long it protects might determine whether it's worth the risk to be sick for a day. Maybe we'll know more in a month or two or three.
Then there is how many are really dying from the virus. From what I have read, if you have Covid, but also something else, you will be listed as dying from Covid. That can include a bullet hole or car accident. How long will it take before we find out actual numbers?
Originally we were told the old were at the biggest risk. I though have read stories about relatively young people who died from it. Are they the rarity or is this not as simple as the experts want us to think?
What's this about herd immunity that doesn't seem to have actually worked out? Closing everything down is fine for a while until they are opened back up. Same with countries like New Zealand, totally no new cases but what happens when they allow in those from outside?
We've had other viruses in my lifetime like Hanta or Bubonic but we knew rodents and their fleas-- wash hands when going out into the country that is infected. Seemed relatively simply to do if you didn't live there.
I've read that for Covid-19 Type O blood is at less risk... or will that be proven true? For a while, they said smokers were at less risk-- then they reversed based on new studies. On it goes.
That is just a tiny part of what bothers me in all this-- what we don't know.
So, I stay mostly isolated, Ranch Boss uses a mask for groceries, which is all he goes out for, washes hands and we hope for the best. But we also have read those who said they did it all right (as best they knew) and got it anyway. I suppose it's how people felt during the Middle Ages with plagues. One just hopes that it soon is gone-- and another virus doesn't replace it...
Merry Christmas indeed :)
I am more trusting in what I hear and read in selected news media. I do fear the type 2 COVID will not be contained. But am confident that the Africans are more careful and experienced and will do their utmost to contain type 2.
ReplyDeleteI saw the two planets very close last night! Then clouds moved in. This Covid is not going away, but I think we are getting ahead of the game.
ReplyDeleteThe last I had read about the 'other' Novid was it was in some parts of England. More contagious but not necessarily more deadly. So much info and how much is truth?
ReplyDeleteWe're all hearing what is being learned as the scientists are learning it, so can seem very confusing but is not a matter of deliberately trying to mislead people which some seem to think, I don't believe. I, too, wonder about the long term results including how long the vaccine(s) will be effective, how they may differ in all ways -- numerous questions. Those who might be subject to vaccine ill effects, as are a couple in my life, have every reason to be concerned about what to do or not do such as you describe your situation. Each has to determine what they're comfortable with possibly in medical consultation. It's a given that the virus mutates so we might as well just accept that and scientists will likely keep tracking this as best they can to integrate into their understanding of how we best deal with this virus.
ReplyDeleteI wish you happy holidays!
I haven't seen it as deliberate either but just makes it very hard to decide given so many are studying this or that angle of it. When it has the potential to be so deadly for someone like me, it's hard. My husband does research through scientific papers and even that doesn't make it simple. There is the possibility all of this research might involve cures or treatments for other diseases. For now, it's safest to not take it for granted even though when something goes on this long, that can be tempting,
ReplyDeleteand Happy holidays :)