Saturday, October 24, 2020


 by Rain Trueax


I am in a nostalgic mood and hence thought I'd share here some music from way back in my life-- as in when I was born, from WWII. Because Blogger improved itself.... I cannot figure out how to embed these. Here though are the links to some videos with music from a bygone era.  The first one is 'I'll be Seeing You' with photos from the soldiers fighting that war for the freedom of the world.

The next is one of my favorites but when it was sung by the Righteous Brothers. A man is singing to his wife that things will be better. When Jimmy couldn't sleep in his own bed, it was because England was being bombed at night. We just think we know tough times.

The following song came from a movie called The Sky's the Limit, coming out in 1943 in the midst of the war. It's been sung by many since then, and I like this combination with Frank Sinatra singing it with images reminding us of the high cost of wars and finally Fred Astaire dancing as he did in the film.

There are times when bringing up the past can help us get through the present-- with a few tears, of course. Crying is actually healing as is laughter.

And, of course, can't leave out-- As Time Goes by

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