Saturday, September 26, 2020

Old age and food

 by Rain Trueax


Something that isn't often discussed or at least I haven't come across it is how our body's ability to use food can change with old age. There are probably those who go on their merry way and can eat whatever they want to the end. But that has not proven to the case with me. Old age has made me sometimes almost afraid of food.

My first bout of food problems came with gluten. I had ended up with lower belly pain, which I eventually diagnosed as being gluten caused. I went to gluten free breads and pain went away-- unless i cheated. That went along for some time until I learned the problem might be glyphosate, used to grow many foods. I went to organic and could eat bread again or make things with organic flour.


Then came the Easter where I figured out that I had a problem with nightshades. I suspect it had been to some level for a few years, where I'd no feel well but didn't connect it to anything. it was when it led to vomiting, of the most unpleasant sort, I researched what might be the cause. That turned out to be potatoes, tomatoes, and so many other nightshade veggies that I dearly love. It was worth it though to not be sick for several days. My version of it is nightshade intolerance, different than an allergy. It's difficult to track down as you don't get sick immediately after eating the food. It comes a day or two later. Anyway, stay away from nightshades and problem ended-- even though there is still some moaning over not being able to have pizza or spaghetti. I can get sneak in a french fry or two once in a while and did have a pizza when we told them to go light on the tomato sauce. I didn't feel as good for a few days but not the brutal reaction.

Then... yes, there is a then. I have learned that I cannot eat the volume of food I once could. That does not lead to weight loss unfortunately because I am not exercising enough for that. A short walk every day just doesn't cut it. When I have learned is smaller portions are required or I won't feel good for a day or so.

So, with old age, changes come for some of us. The most insidious for me was the nightshades as it's so sneaky; but with all the research online, a person can discover a lot of what will work without needing a doctor's appointment-- unless it doesn't actually stop the problem when diet is changed. 

We had our first virtual wellness visit this year since we are in Arizona and our doctor in Oregon (thank you Covid-19). I don't suppose that would work forever as some things cannot be checked. They can though authorize a blood test if one thinks it's needed. She got Ranch Boss alerted to one issue where he will probably have one based on his last blood work.

The sunset was this week and the first good one in some time. The smoke from fires elsewhere had blocked out the sky. Any clouds were hidden by it. Maybe there will be more now with the sun moving south and hopefully the fires are controlled or put out. Sure been a tough year. Oregon had some of my favorite places damaged or destroyed. I hate to even think what some of those places will look like when we can finally return. For now though, we'll stay put. We love Arizona too.