Monday, September 14
I am getting joy arranging my paintings to advantage so our home looks beautiful for fisherman Hubby and especially me. Our family can choose what they like to try in their homes.
Fisherman Hubby's excessive secreations and loss of muscles makes drinking and eating difficult. He is still good at walking around the house inside. So sad to see him just sitting or just going to bed for another nap. Now I see elimination is going to be like an ongoing struggle, so I strive to make meals like they are his last real food. Foods are now chopped in the food processesor. My meals are more ambitious than the time I have to prepare them.
Tonight scoloped potatoes and ham were a tasty success. But the apple pie was not so good. the juice seeped out and carnelized instead of being the moist filling around the apples. The pie caused too much mucus and coughing.
I am getting tired and have mountains of laundry from the two loads today on my bed. I will take it all bato the table in the garage that I cleared this weekend. I am so thankful we both are down scaling. so we have more room for living. Some think that downscaling is emotionally hard but I think we both feel liberated and enjoy feelings of accomplishment when our things get to be enjoyed by our family and close friends.
Tuesday, September 15, is a catch up day. Caught up on a couple of hours of sleep missed from getting up with Fisherman Hubby in the wee hours of Monday. Folded yesterday's two loads of laundry. But dnuck a few minutes to take down one pinting and hang two more. Set up another table in the garage so I will have space to sort my art work on paper.
It is 3:00 PM snd I am making lemon meriang pie and maybe take up painting after dark.
Your days are certainly filled with activity and seems so much responsibility. Glad you get some time for your painting. Do take care of yourself.