the Strawberry full moon Friday morning.
I woke up Friday morning trying to decide what to write for this blog. We are in such a troubled time and my thoughts went many directions. The words that were running around in my head were opportunity, choices, consequences, results. They seemed too many to write a reasonable blog. When I got up, I went to Facebook and it was as chaotic for opinions as my head had been. That's when I thought-- I can't write on it right now.
So, I am only going to write about the gallery show that was intended for people to see from their cars. One of Tucson's resorts, Hacienda del Sol, had set aside one of its parking lots for what was titled The Nation's First Pop Up Drive Through Sculpture Show. I had read about it Memorial Day as one of the safe things to do in Tucson during the lock down. It ran through the 31st and that was the day we drove there.
Using that keyword from my early morning mental meandering, it was an opportunity for three things. Safe way to view the sculptures of twenty local artists. Chance for the artists to get a wider viewing. And as it turned out opportunity for someone to steal someone else's hard work. The piece that had been stolen was the night before. There were actually three that had signs but no work. Maybe the others had sold. Or maybe their creators thought better of having them there after the theft...
It was easy to get to the show thanks to Ranch Boss doing some computer online map exploration. Only one other car was there as we drove through. Another came as we left.
A nice older guy came up to the truck as we were photographing and asked if we wanted a sheet of paper that had all the artists' names and the prices of the work. All of it was out of my price range if I had even wanted one. They ran from a few thousand to over $100,000.
That had been my first time in the truck since the quarantine began. It was nice and I liked seeing the work as at one point in my life, I was very into doing my own sculptures-- although mine were all of the human form.
Anyway, hope you also enjoy the photos. If one interests you and you wonder about the artist's name or the price, comment below.
And, maybe I'll get my head around what I want to say about my country and this time. Maybe or maybe I'll just try to get my head in a good place as I totally believe how we think influences our health. This is not a good time to let our immune system get out of whack and emotional health is a big deal.
Enjoyed the pictures of the drive through sculpture gallery.