Thursday, June 11, 2020

by Diane; Care giver's mini-art respite update #2 : Something to celebrate

                                                Our 55th wedding Anniversary.
    This morning Fisherman Hubby felt a little down.  But then we had a nice visit with one of his brother's and sister-in-laws who does virtual paint-outs with me.  The decorations are recycled from helium balloons that daughter gave after his November hiatal hernia surgery.


  1. the internet is a real saving grace in this time of lockdown even without health issues or in our case nearby fires.

    Happy Anniversary.

  2. Rain, The internet and this blog is a saving grace. Here I can upate friends and family who ask on how we are doing saving me from having to inform everyone individually.
    Fisherman Hubby's primary care wants us to make decisions on end of life care before the next appointment in just a couple of weeks. My plan is for setting up his care in the livingroom freeing up a room for a 24 hour care giver to assist me. I am not strong enough and already have arthritus flaring up in my hands and wrists.
    Stuborn Fisherman Hubby is still rding the lawn mower, weeding with the weed eater, washing windows and poisoning the weeds or hoeing them. Love his attitude even if it worries me when he still climbs the step stool to fill the bird feeder.
    He is good obeying his doctor on not driving the pickup or car.
    As his weight decreases, he still refuses a feeding tube and a suction machine. He is now doing physical therapy for his neck arthritus. Melinda is trying to set up his surface pro Ipad with Grid 3 speech generating. We need to contract or get someone to install bars for support getting in and out of the bath tub shower.

  3. Such tough issues to have to face. We know we all will face it but this seemed so sudden and way before it should be-- if there are any should be's. You know our love is with you two and a few tears too. I am also glad you do the blog :)
