Monday, May 04, 2020

a bonus post and a different view

by Rain Trueax

Because I got this from Facebook, I wanted to share it widely. As countries and states open up, each of us will need to decide what that means for our choices. Do we go back or do we continue to self-distance? If it's a job, where we have no choice, do we demand protected working conditions, some changes that take the virus into account?

Having all the facts helps us make those decisions. That means hearing diverse opinions and weighing which seems best for us. Below is a different opinion from something I posted earlier. I believe it's worth reading. It made sense to me and pretty much is what I have believed is my personal choice when governors lift the various bans. 

One thing I have learned from my many years of following what should or should not be done. Experts constantly change their minds or disagree with other experts. In the end, it's your life and body. Get information and don't be afraid to look at different ideas for what might be best. Then make a choice. If you click on Read More, you will find what I consider to be a reasoned and non-partisan view of the situation.

From David C. Hess (Harvard/Princeton Alumnus, current Associate Professor/Director of Biotechnology at Santa Clara University). This is about the pandemic - Just the science, no political agenda. No BS.   

“Many of our local and state governments are pushing towards forms of reopening. For the past 12 years my lab has studied the evolution and spread of infectious diseases, I research this stuff and I teach this stuff, I am an expert, this is not uninformed opinion. We are no where near ready for a safe reopening, but there does not seem to be any stopping it.

Thankfully, some regions are being responsible, but many are not. I predict that by the end of June at least 5 more metro areas in the US will be as bad as NYC at its peak.

Hopefully then we learn our lesson and understand that we are dealing with a once in 100 year event that will take incredible resolve and resources to safely navigate.

What will follow is a series of 4 myths, each dispelling what the proposed safety of this reopening is based upon:
1. contact tracing
2. antibody testing
3. herd immunity
4. treatments.

Myth 1. Contact Tracing.
Contact tracing is great, I have collaborated with public health workers that do this for a living, it is a powerful public health tool.

First off, this virus can spread in the asymptomatic phase and you can't start contact tracing until some presents with the disease, so its usefulness is blunted from the beginning.
Second, our public health system did not have enough trained persons to do all the contract tracing work for other diseases before corona virus-- where are we getting the actual people trained to do contract tracing from, are we going to use out of work baristas or blackjack dealers to do the work that requires a Masters in Public Health to do, and to be good at, that takes years of field training? We don't have the people to do contact tracing for a disease that spreads as fast as this corona virus.

Myth 2. Antibody testing.
 So the idea is we just give people an antibody test and if they are positive then they are immune and safe to be moving about. Sounds great, right? Except we don't have a good idea of what these tests mean with regards to immunity.

First problem, false positives, many of these tests cross react with antibodies raised by your body against non-COVID19 coronaviruses that you have been exposed to in your life.
You do not want a false positive, that means I tell you that you are immune but you are not actually immune. Second problem, without a vaccinated control group that we know is immune we don't know where to set the threshold of the test to claim immunity and this varies for every disease.

We have no idea what a positive on these tests actually means in terms of immunity. Don't believe me that a positive antibody test doesn't equal immunity to the disease-- then you might want to read up on the most common way we test for HIV-- hint it’s an antibody test, and spoiler alert - if you have antibodies for HIV it does not mean you are immune to HIV, it means you're F#@KED.

Myth 3. Herd Immunity.
Viruses have been evolving solutions to our immune system for hundreds of millions of years. If Herd Immunity worked as simply as it is presented on social media, then no one would have the common flu. Haven't we all had the flu at some point? Well, if everyone has had the flu then how do we still get the flu?

Viruses evolve.

Every person that gets infected is an experiment for the virus, it makes billions of copies of itself, and everyone has a chance to be a new mutant who will evade any herd immunity that has been acquired, and will start spreading freely again.

If we let this virus just burn through our country or the world, everything we know about viral evolution tells us that it will evolve variants that can reinfect those that are currently immune.
This is one of the reasons that keeping the global case count low until a vaccine is developed is crucial.

We have one shot at eradication-- if we suppress the global case count and then get a vaccine and deploy it before a major variant arises then we can kick this thing out of humans and back into bats for another 10,000 years-- but once a few major variants develop, then it is likely a new permanent human disease, and a very different and worse problem for the world.

Myth 4. Treatments.
So surely science will save us, this is a big deal, let's do a Manhattan-type project and come up with a cure. Uh, okay, I think you have been watching too many movies. Viruses are not alive and that makes them very hard to kill.

I am not trying to be funny. The simplest bacteria that we have discovered has to do nearly 200 biochemical and biophysical reactions to stay alive. Many of those reactions can be targeted specifically (without hurting our cells) with drugs to kill the bacteria, and that is why we have so many effective antibiotics.

Do you know how many biochemical and biophysical reactions a virus needs to do as it floats around in the environment? Zero, Zilch, Nada. That is why it is not alive, it is inert. Killing a virus is like killing a rock, how do you kill a rock? That is why soap is so effective, it is a detergent and soap literally tears the genome of the virus apart from the viral coat that protects the genome, you are physically destroying it.

Do you really think there is no money or desire in curing things like herpes or the common flu?

Our best success against viruses is HIV and that took nearly a decade, and consists of 3 drugs that you take the rest of your life to control the virus. Understand that drugs to treat this disease will only reduce the symptoms, they may save lives (which is great), but people will still be in hospitals, and on ventilators, with the likelihood of a magic cure very remote.
Cures for most viruses don't exist, you are thinking of vaccines which you take before you get sick to prevent you from getting sick, we are really good at making those and we will, it just takes time and we need to get there.

I hope this information helps, I wish all of you health and safety during this difficult time. I hope to be proven wrong about most or all of this, I will take scorn and ridicule in exchange for saving tens of thousands with acknowledging reality.

It has been pointed out to me that my posts are depressing and may seem like I am saying there is no hope. Fair point, that is not my intent.

We can beat this, but it will take time (9-18 months) and during that time our lives will look very different than they did in 2019. Once we realize this, we can make the right decisions, get help to those who need it most, and endure.

Thank you everyone to your feedback and responses to my posts the other day, I wasn't sure how they would be received. I do want to clarify what I mean by Myths, for example contact tracing-- it is not that contact tracing isn't good in theory, or won't be part of the solution, we just aren't ready to have it deployed on a massive scale to create a safe reopening environment.

These 'myths' will likely be part of a long term solution, but the Myth is that they are ready to go now or May 1st or June 1st. These terms have been thrown around social media as if they are light switches you flip on and then everything is safe.
I just wanted to provide a deeper scientific context to the challenges of rolling these interventions out. I hope the information helped as we all try and make the best and safest decisions for ourselves and our families.


  1. It's depressing but it all sounds true. I think that serious attention to personal hygiene and physical distancing is going to be with us for a long time. Even if we find a vaccine or cure for this one there will be another one, for as the good professor says, viruses evolve. In my country different provinces are trying different approaches to relaxing restrictions. Maybe we'll find an approach that works (sort of), maybe we won't. I think it really all depends on individuals continuing to be very very careful.

  2. I believe, besides distancing, we should build our immune systems. There are ways to do that. Then, if we get it, we will be better able to deal with it-- even when old.

  3. My belief is that we need to get back to church, and school, and work. Now! This whole goat rope has never been supported by data, and has turned into a media driven circus. Where the heck did commonsense go. Yes, you should practice good hygiene, but that's always been best. The more you are exposed to, within reason of course, the better for your immune system.

  4. I think we need to do that but be realistic. We don't have this thing figured out. What scares me is that the lab was working to create a more virulent virus and they succeeded. :(

  5. David Hess’ explanation of factors to consider is excellent IMHO — thanks for sharing here. Unfortunately, too many people are basing their decisions about how to cope with this virus on misinformation or without considering all the factors. For some their choice will reflect what value they place on life — their own and the life of others, especially the lives of people unknown to them. Also, individual risk tolerance may enter into decisions of some — and, of course, individual belief systems. The whole situation has been and still is being so grossly mishandled as to complicate this matter, I think, but it is what it is. We each have to make choices based on what is best for ourselves, loved ones, friends, others with whom we might come in contact. In my situation my choices affect only me primarily so are fairly simple. For some others, I fear whatever choice they make is going to be a heads the virus wins and tails the person loses.

  6. People who think this is over are kidding themselves. Getting sloppy now could lead to disaster ahead. States have to find ways to open as without it there is no revenue to operate necessary functions. I read that California alone has $54 billion deficit after last year being ahead of the game. Some don't seem to realize there is more at stake than jobs. But open smart with more spacing, sanitizing, and using masks. Hard to say if people will do it though. I read that the Secret Service had a bunch of their people have it and recover with others coming down with it. It's a really insidious thing that has happened to our country with many ramifications. I know a lot want to get back to how it was. That seems unlikely for a long time, but we can't ignore the economic side to it. It also has huge impacts on lives.
