Wednesday, April 15, 2020

by Diane: Up date on art escape #9: Painting, painting, painting

Have much painting time now that husband's neurology symptoms are addressed.  Feeling lucky that before the mitigating phase of the pandemic we are better equiped to wing it!



stream of chaois :

Two more days until my regular posting time. Yikes. My hubby has been generous. He gets his snacks himself. We watch the birds together. I am plunging deeply into painting before writing this blog. Pardon my disorganization. The weather is great and the little biting bugs are not bugging me. The swallows are nesting and mating. Such subjects are exalting. Exausting!  I have a neat book to read and the review for the book club is next Sunday. Magie Anaton's Rashi's Daughters, Book I Joheved: A Novel of Love and the Talmud in Medieval France. Love the walkers who parade past the other side of house, the street side. What's for dinner?

 Single serving of lasagne last night for hubby. I had gluten free my fan tye rice noodles with spinach and turkey. Not exactly Easter fare. Tonight chicken? Canned smoked fish casserole. We can both eat. Laundry is going. already painted some and it is 8:18 AM. In few minutes will cancel Zoom doctors reschedule for in person visit. Got to talk about young grandson coming to rotatil garden that spading was too hard. Ought to get manure so to soften soil for good carrots this year. Got to throw away that unused mini pie shell I made two weeks ago and never filled. What should I order for Fred Myers pick up next weekend? canned beets, canned pumpkin, milk, freezer low on meats. distilled water, 9x9 baking pan for brownies. yogart. This is boring.
The sore on hubby's nose. his rubberband fix to his Bipap mask worked but a week old mask shouldn't fail. Lots of little cares. Loved the article by Gerald Parker about five phases of the pandemic. Sugar ants and rosemary! Wash hands. Great time to go for a walk.

Later:  Yeah, hubby will barbecue the terriaki chicken thighs. We are eating so well and sorry for those who are food challenged. My mind is blank. The jazz plays instead of the constant news. Wonder how our newly widowed neighbor is. Heard a couple on my walk argue about his dog getting into her flower bed. Dog on chain. Children chalk art and paper cut hearts pine cones with googlie eyes for sale. Getting low on cash. grandchild's birthday. Better go and make haste before mail man.

Time to water the garden: Time to go back to original art escape plan.

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