Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Holiday Sampler

by Rain Trueax

As part of the celebration of the season of giving, we are having a sale for my books that have Christmas in them. They are 99¢. Why not free? Well, it's not easy doing free if your books are wide. 99¢ is virtually free since the writer only gets 35% of that.

The banner below is a little unusual because their connection to each other is that celebration of Christmas, which impacts the characters. Usually writers put together historicals or contemporaries. In this case, four are historic, three in Arizona and one in Oregon; two are contemporary where Christmas happens in Montana and Utah.

What does Christmas mean to us? How do we celebrate it? Is it a time of sadness or of joy? These books, two full length novels and four novellas, explore various elements of a season that can mean so many things from great joy to great sadness for the expectations.

We are not planning ads for this sale; so it'll only be found by those who either get my newsletter, follow me on Facebook, or read this blog. While I am into subtly enjoying Christmas here in the desert, my biggest concern is how to get the next paranormal seen when it comes out in late January. 

You just got a sampler of my logic behind this sale...

The Marshal's Lady
He wore a gun, which she abhorred. When his estranged, 9-year old daughter showed up in town, Christmas might be a time they could all come together:

Rose's Gift
As a widow, she was too old for romance. He came along, and Christmas brought another surprise:

Frederica's Outlaw
She came to Tucson to find her daughter before Christmas. What she found changed everything:

Where Dreams Go
He had long loved her but when duty called, Christmas was spent a long way from her in the wilderness. Would he lose everything:

A Montana Christmas
She wanted to heal a broken family. Christmas could be the season for that hope. Would the price be too high:

Diana's Journey
After losing her marriage and all she thought she had, Diana is on a journey. Could Christmas just be a reminder of what she'd lost or or was this a new beginning:


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  1. I just read a Loooong article in the New Yorker on the Hallmark Channel and its success. Do your books adapt to their genre? They are becoming broader in their acceptance of other themes.

  2. Something like A Montana Christmas might since no violence but also no real romance since it's about a family and the hero and heroine are already married. There was a request for writers to submit their stories to Hallmark; so they are looking for writers, but I always felt my contemporaries had violence in them and were too long. Novellas would likely do best.

    I watch Hallmark movies once a week or so but to be honest, I can't remember the plots the next morning. They are repetitious and in a sense relaxing because it all works out in the end. I only started seeing them a couple of years ago and gradually got more interested in them. I like the family connections, the holiday theme where it all is perfect (eventually) and the places they are filmed, which generally is not where they claim (a lot are in BC). The one they had recently in Rome was like a lovely travelogue but can't remember the plot at all other than boy meets girl and eventually they work it out to be together lol There will be a kiss but that's all :)
