Wednesday, June 26, 2019

by Diane; Giving myself permission to over work over and over

Some sense of flight movement but elements of trees and flowers detracted.
Tried removing flowers and trees.

The birds did not have the movement as pronounced as in the early paintings. Several birds were eliminated. The loss of the cross of body opposed to wings is obscured reducing the flow of the flights. The arabesque curves in the background not as strong here of movement. I played with many solutions and the birds at the same time became more cute - another distraction. In my indecision the grass matured and dried in the background field.

Continuing to reward me are many new ideas and new observations watching the birds in flight as well as the changing colors since I began in April. Permission to over work will not necessarily make a better product but the rewards are many.


  1. I think it’s fascinating that paintings can change like that. I guess in my head they are static, and once put down, no changes are possible. So when I read about you (or famous painters) making fairly extensive changes, it requires a bit of a shift in my reality.

  2. J, Sometimes a painting happens to flow just right and I treasure the painting because of the memory of the pleasant experience. Most often there is another kind of relationship between me, my subject and the revisited painting.
    when painting from nature my attention is divided between making the painting distracting me from what is actually happening in the world. The nice thing about breaks from painting, there is time to watch the landscape change adding a new dimension of the passage of time.
