Sunday, March 17, 2019

More on yesterday's thoughts

by Rain Trueax

 shared this morning by a friend on Facebook

Yesterday, I posted a blog and hope you will read it as it's about the New Zealand shooting, our problems with getting a building permit for a new carport, and the university scandals. I called it Slippery Slope because so much can be. We can't fear the slippery slope or we can't be nuanced. So many people fear doing anything based on it. We do though need to be aware of it in our decisions.

The post above is about where I think we need to concentrate to feel good about life. Whether we have problems in our own lives (most of us do) or see it in the world, we can't dwell on the negative and expect to find inner peace.  An example of that is below. 

When we look at a beautiful sunset from our Arizona home, we look beyond the power-line wires to see it. In a photograph, the wires tend to distract from the long-range view. I have a tool that lets me take them out to make a photograph more accurate to what my eyes actually see. 

This is how I see our lives have to be. Deal with the power-lines as in be aware of them, don't let them ruin the picture. In turbulent times, such as we certainly are living within, it's not always easy. It's however, I believe, the key to living a peaceful life in the midst of a time where a lot is not.


  1. Thank you,
    Great post. Totally agree. And love the sunset story of how you take out the wires too. I need to have tha tool.

  2. It's very easy to use and inexpensive. You buy it once. InPaint. It doesn't work on everything but is so much easier than how i used to do it with a clone.

  3. I think the meme 'being soft' is a good one. There is so much news bombarding us that many emotions slip past leaving us bewildered. Lone gunmen as in the case the Australian guy in New Zealand becomes top news till it is shifted by something else, at the heart of course is hate.
    I have been researching the problems of fracking should it come to North Yorks. The protaganist is Britain's top billionare, Jim Ratcliffe, who wants to sway our government to allow 2000 wells in this part of the country. Anger at his tactics though will not provide a good argument against!

  4. I've done a lot of soul searching to find peace with friends & family that have gone off the deep end. I am not there yet...

  5. I am leery of fracking, Thelma but I guess it depends on the soil in the area. It has certainly made a difference on supply in the US. But evidently can harm wells in its area. So much we don't know and we don't get all the info either.

  6. Much of our family doesn't agree with us politically either, Brig. My brother does though

  7. There has been enough data to convince me fracking is unwise and unnecessary.

  8. Because of fracking and their selling much of that fossil fuel overseas, we set up our investment accounts to not allow any from fossil fuel companies. It's the only thing I know of that we can actually do-- not be part of a system that seems potentially detrimental to our environment.
