Friday, February 01, 2019


by Rain Trueax

photo for Imbolc 2017

When we are in Oregon, we usually see the first lambs about now. Imbolc, Ewe's Milk, is a Celtic, Pagan, agrarian celebration-- the true end of winter when the grass begins to green up. 

The Oregon farm did have its first lambs already, and they are doing great thanks to the help of our son, who is taking over a job he's not thrilled with. He likes the cows but the sheep not so much. I have to remind him the sheep are why we do not need a lawnmower. He might want to reconsider it.

The link below has some rituals you might consider to celebrate the end of winter. Of course, if you are on the middle of that Polar Vortex, you probably aren't ready to celebrate just yet. 

Interestingly, the West Coast has had a milder than usual winter. Humans have so little real control over climate. It's something to be aware of when people want to demand we do something. Study earth's history, and you know it's a constantly changing place. For humans, we have been through a fortunate time.

We will definitely have a fire in the fireplace tonight to welcome back the sun.

This is not a regular post but a special one for a special day. Tomorrow will be on death... hmmm not sure how that fits rebirth but then it depends on how you see death...


  1. We can do something about the climate, but it means all of the people on the planet. If you look at climate change starting with the industrial revolution you will see a much faster climate in the warmth of the earth and oceans. Much faster than any climate variations in the past. It is the speed which shows we are causing it. Perhaps it is too late to reverse it in our time, but we can stall it. I worked with scientists at both USSA and NOAA and it is real.

  2. The change is real but it's all about projections and using ice and geologic evidence to figure out how fast it changed in the past. There is a theory that when Europe went through all its plagues, climate was the cause. We know mammals were sometimes abruptly killed off like say the mammoths here, which scientists say was man's arrival but maybe it wasn't. I do not think most of what the left wants to do like carbon tax does much but hurt the poor. They can't afford to replace their vehicles with new electric cars or solar panels, etc.

    I sometimes think liberals have their own religion with science where they want to believe they can control things just as those who believe in a god think they can or he/she can. Most of the people who talk climate change think nothing of flying here and there, running off for an adventure; so they don't change their lives-- just want someone else to do it.

    To me, this is not about a political party but more a cultural issue. What should we be doing? What can we do? One super volcano could change it all or even the debate over how much solar activity impacts climate on earth. We know so little but always think, as humans, we have all the answers.

    Anyone with an opinion, feel free to give it. Right now, it's all opinions. I very much enjoyed Day After Tomorrow with its take on what global warming would mean. Some say it totally follows science and some disagree. Certainly the polar vortex seems very much like the film.

  3. I have been 'green' for over 30 odd years, read all the books, for us people it was like talking to a wall, they did not want to listen, and even today we don't. Basically because it means sacrifice of our comfort zones. We watch in horror as climate change affects other parts of the world but our politicians do not take positive steps.
    Problem is the scientists tell us that change is coming, Day After Tomorrow is very good at that;) and the Polar Vortex should tell us something as well, but vested interests swamp the voices of the good guys. One could almost say corruption rules.
    For instance we have a 5 year tenancy of our politicians in office, they are so busy beating each other up under the two tier system that sense goes out the window, perhaps some would argue that humanity deserves the fate of annihilation. If there is to be optimism though, there is a slow movement to create energy from the natural world, such as wind, wave and sun but the over riding problem though is too many humans in a world that is losing all its natural resources.

    Happy Imbolc

  4. I agree, Thelma and let's face it the earth does change. Maybe we should be preparing for what we do with the rising sea levels for those who don't have 50' to spare, which is a lot of the world's major cities. I think many counted on it taking a long time, but it might never have. In past eras, mammals would just die. Many will this time too because they can't prepare. We could but will we for massive migrations, which may make the Central American drought caravans seem like nothing. Maybe we can't really prepare even though we like to think we can for anything.
