Saturday, April 14, 2018

Healing Times

by Rain Trueax

I've written often how much nature means in my life. I use it in my books as a secondary character. It is part of any creative endeavor to feel nature and let it fill me. I believe it's healing.

This blog by Susan Tweit was inspirational to me and thought it might be to some of you. It's not just about a conference she attended, a lot of driving time, but also about her creative friendships along the way. These are what I find especially rewarding-- creative connections, where a love of the same things is shared. Such relationships are also healing.

And in view of that, the rest of this blog is photos of nature here in Tucson, which I always enjoy on a multitude of levels. If you are stressing, and many are these days, take some time with each image and let it fill you as it would if you were here.


looking down
from the skies

It is a bountiful world. We need to keep it that way in all the ways we know.


  1. Rain, Thank you for linking to my blog post in this lovely meditation on the beauty of nature. The Sonoran Desert in spring is glorious, especially after a winter with some rain. Your photos remind me of walks along the Rillito near my parents' former home, and hikes in Saguaro National Park (west). The sound of the bird chorus and the signs of the wildflowers coloring that sere landscape always soothed my soul. Thank you for the reminder!

  2. Thanks for visiting, Susan. I really enjoy your blog and know some of my readers will be going there now as you discuss things that are dear to many of my readers' hearts as I know from the things some of them write.

    This year has been light on wildflowers but the trees are just starting to do their thing with the cactii waiting. I live in what is now annexed to Oro Valley. It's a very nice little neighborhood of homes with desert around them. Makes for lots of animal traffic by along with the birds. It's a lovely place where i often don't want to leave it when I get here, which means i miss out on a lot of other nice things to do just by sitting and watching the bird, rodent and rabbit activity :)

  3. Rain,
    The desert is beautiful this time of year. Thanks for sharing your photos. I've only been down that way a couple of times, but it was always an adventure.
