Wednesday, November 09, 2016

quotes to inspire

 There are days when a person needs something to uplift them. Regardless of how you saw the recent election results, this is a time to take a deep breath and try to think positive for our own lives and reflect on how to make a difference in our own little piece of the world. I don't know of words more capable of encouraging that in me than Mary Oliver's. Hence, what follows are her quotes and our photos of the beauty in this world. They come in no special order or place but all are part of what I consider to be my world.

"When it's over, I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to amazement. I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms."

 “So come to the pond, or the river of your imagination, or the harbor of your longing, and put your lips to the world. And live your life.”

“And to tell the truth I don’t want to let go of the wrists of idleness, I don’t want to sell my life for money, I don’t even want to come in out of the rain.”  

 “As long as you’re dancing, you can break the rules. Sometimes breaking the rules is just extending the rules. Sometimes there are no rules.” 

“So come to the pond, or the river of your imagination, or the harbor of your longing, and put your lips to the world. And live your life.”

The quotes (with more) had been collected on a site-- 


  1. Lovely. Needed this on such a tough morning.

  2. I did not stay up for it last night; so saw what happened this morning. I knew no matter who won, there'd be a lot of teeth gnashing and moaning. We are a very divided country and the sad part of this election is voters blamed each other and sometimes viciously. The media worked to stir up fear. It should be an interesting time for awhile...

  3. I think the media worked to stir up hype...whether it ended in fear, anger or excitement. They never really went into any of the issues in depth.

  4. I agree, Tabor. It was hugely disappointing to me. So many important issues and often not even covered in a debate and when they were with 2 minute answers. Infuriating.

  5. Love your photos and quotes. Unfortunately, seems there aren't many of us who pay attention to anything more lengthy than a few sound bites any more. Being in a minority we're pretty much ignored. Everything is so watered down and spread thin - one of the downsides of having so many sources vying for the same eyeballs and ears.

  6. It is a problem, joared. I hadn't intended to write on the aftermath of this election but will now for Saturday as it's been so extreme on Facebook, where there has been more vitriol than during the campaign. And now the street riots to protest. When the tea party was mad at seeing Obama elected, the left felt superior. No superiority in what they are doing now. It's not a matter of just putting up signs or gathering together but becoming threatening and saying-- he'll never be my President. There is one way to have that happen-- move. Otherwise, he is your President, just as Obama was of those who didn't want him. It's what elections are about and our leaders have actually behaved better than a lot of the citizens with looking ahead for how they can help the country-- not tear it apart.

  7. Here in California, we have a bunch of people that were preaching tolerance and love a few days ago are now starting fires and beating people up.

  8. Yeah and Portland had rioting. Like that would convince a Trump voter they made a mistake. Some of the stuff i have seen as supposed protests has been sick-- worse the death threats. What a time! Guess some of those 'enlightened' folks aren't so enlightened after all. :)

  9. The reality is all camps have their share of individuals who act out, then there are those not connected to any group other than one to create chaos for all the rest for their own agenda. Those are the ones we really need to be concerned about as they might actually be the ones making each group think it was their opponent getting violent.

  10. Yes, that happens a lot. The portland demonstrations were taken over by bused in anarchists. That happens a lot. Who pays for that? We might want to look who is behind a lot of the violent protests... Who profits from it?
