Saturday, October 01, 2016


 last October heading across the Willamette Pass

It's hard to believe we're back to October. I am trying to figure out where the summer went. It seemed gone in a flash. The farm is ready for winter (whether I am or not) with the barns full of 13 tons of alfalfa and 36 tons of good grass hay for the cattle and sheep. Ranch Boss has also been getting the vacation trailer cleaned up and ready if we do take it out in October-- the tentative plan. 

We are still debating whether to get a fifth wheel trailer. There are pros and cons. It would be a little larger, back up easier and supposedly handle better on the highway, but we manage with the 26' travel trailer as it has the basics. We'd have to sell it if we bought something else; so we're still ruminating on the issue. Either way our RV will have a desk for my writing. I don't do well on the laptop as at home I use an ergonomic keyboard to avoid carpal tunnel. 

We found this desk online as something lightweight, small and easy to stow. I also ordered a wireless keyboard, mouse, and smaller monitor, which will be stored in the trailer leaving me only to bring my laptop when we go somewhere.

Writing has been what I've done this summer but for little real gain in  measurable ways. I wrote two shorter books (60,000 words) that have not caught the interest of readers. I've gotten a good start with the third one-- but became derailed twice by other projects.

The first derailing was a Christmas short story that I thought might fit into an anthology that a group of writers will bring out this year with all the profits going to a worthy charity. I realized when I finished it (just under 5000 words) that it had the potential to be a novella (just over 20,000 words) that would lead into the next full-length Arizona, historical romance. As a short story, it'd not serve that purpose. So I went back to thinking what could I find that would work for a Christmas short story.

The second one began with a comment a reader made about writing an RV park romance. At the time I laughed, but then I thought-- hey, mature romance, transition in life, and recreation vehicles, all of which interest me right now. So I wrote a second short story, set it in a small Utah town where I'd love to spend time but which I've only driven through. That required research-- something I always love.

Finishing it up and its many edits, I looked at the requirements for the anthology. A biggie caught my eye. They are going to not be taking all that are submitted. I realized that these are writers who have done a lot of projects together. My story might or might not fit, but if being part of the group is factored in, mine would not be accepted. I totally understood how the ones who have been friends and worked together will have priority. But wait, if it is rejected, it also has the potential to be a novella. There is no losing on this.

I submitted my story and began working on its novellal using the same characters and situation but expanding it. If the short story does end up accepted, I'll hold this back for a future time, as the contract does not give them exclusive rights to even the short story. I even created a cover for it, which if it goes into the anthology I can use to promote purchase of the collection, but if it does not, then I'll use it for the novella. I really like the cover but won't share it until I know more where I'll need it.

If that sounds confusing, I will add to it by saying next I will write that first short story also as a Christmas novella, which I can bring out in mid November-- no matter what happens with the second one. I am enjoying the break from suspense, but I will get back to the paranormal, just not first.

Both of these short stories involve heroines and heroes in their late fifties and early sixties. Both follow a woman at a transitional point in her life where she's looking for a change but unsure what that would be. The two are set one hundred years apart, which means the women's options are not the same. 

I like it that there is no danger or suspense-- given our political season, stories like this are more relaxing to write. I also like writing characters closer to my own age and especially with that second one where it worked into my interests in those who live in their recreation vehicles full-time. I don't see myself doing it but that's the beauty of being a writer-- I can do it vicariously. Oh and the contemporary woman has two dogs, something I don't have but fun to write about for her.

Above images from Stencil, CanStock, Deposit photos, and my own photographs


  1. Writers are so lucky in that they can create their own worlds and make things happen along the way. I am sorry your latest efforts did not get attention. I am sure it is discouraging, but if you have to write your have to write!

  2. Yes, it's nice to be able to pour myself into someone else's life where I can make it work out okay.

    On the series from this summer, I haven't done much to promote them either. A few blogs other places but no ads. I am going to wait to do much of that when I have three or maybe even four written.

    Frankly writing novellas has more appeal to me right now and maybe about this small Utah town with different characters or maybe people traveling and meeting someone they didn't expect. Light for me and less into the stories, if they don't catch on ;).

    The thing with writing or photography, painting, sculpture, etc. is the process is the fun/challenge/reward of it whether it ends up with a 'product' or not.

    Of course, where my goal with any money from these books is that it go to my grandkids' college expenses, I care about their making a profit more than I would otherwise. We don't need it for our own lives since we have pretty simple tastes that are affordable mostly from SS or our retirement accounts.
