Wednesday, September 14, 2016

making choices-- or not

In considering lifestyles, I've been looking at how other people find a lifestyle that works for them. Some are forced into lifestyles they'd never choose.

I've thought living on a river would be interesting in that Tom Sawyer sort of way or even more in a sweet looking houseboat like in Sleepless in Seattle. Many people choose to downsize, live with less, have a smaller house, live without all the luxuries they could afford. However, what the article above is about  is making that choice out of need-- of being between a rock and a hard place.  

Payne Hollow by Harlan Hubbard tells a story of a husband and wife who chose to build their home and live on a river and the fringe of society. The book is one of the keepers on my shelf of many many such stories of those who opted to live a 'different' life than most. 

An interesting side note is, while the book was published in 1974, I bought my copy in September 1976 (based on what I wrote inside the cover). This was a time I was looking for life changes and in 1977, we'd get one with buying this farm. It has also led to a simpler lifestyle. Not that living with livestock is easier, it does suck up $$$s and does not pay a minimum wage-- at least not for the rancher who does most of the work.

When simpler lifestyles are chosen, even if they are lives of poverty, it's very different than what we are seeing too often today with one city after another having housing that is so expensive that people with even middle incomes can no longer afford to live where they work-- or even afford a home at all.

As a culture, we are in a time of have and have-nots, sometimes clashing; sometimes just trying to avoid each other by either not being seen or having gated communities that supposedly will keep them safe. Rich celebrities come out to talk about this, offer benefits and then go back into their own safe zones flying around on private jets. Emotions dictate so much while action is what is needed-- except what action actually changes things in a positive way?


  1. Small earthquakes' of change needed. And, yes, the lucky ones are those that can choose a lifestyle.

  2. I think if we don't recognize what is happening to our brothers, this will get much much worse. People need jobs that support a healthy lifestyle and a feeling of respect. By so many of us living in clusters like ourselves and isolating ourselves from the other we don't even know what is happening to so many in our country.

  3. Last weekend made me so sad. There was so much togetherness in 2001, after the attacks. The President missed a marvelous opportunity to create a culture of civic engagement. Instead, we went to war... and that "we" was largely those with few other opportunities. You are so right - we need to stay connected.

  4. The thing that has upset me today is finding that the pipeline, that the Native Americans are protesting, appears to be going ahead full steam. So we are told they will slow it down to decide but the governor of ND has sent in the National Guard, the police are full armed, and they are arresting more of the peaceful demonstrators. So the reporter who photographed the dog attacks is going to be arrested but the attackers not. What has gone wrong with our country? Very depressing.
