Tuesday, March 29, 2016

a step further

My last blog was about my feeling a recent book hadn't done well as I looked for reasons. Turns out most of what I was considering probably had little to do with it. Choosing a time to bring out the book right before spring break-- which maybe could be equally an issue with other holiday breaks-- probably was the major influence.

Yesterday, as Ranch Boss looked at the records, my book sales had gone down on the Friday before the break... and continued low the whole week. It returned to normal with Sunday evening. 

Rather than the things I debated, it likely was mostly the 'when' of it. The new book also got sales-- although the timing of bringing it out continued to hurt its rankings, which authors care about as a way to get their books seen.

So you writers, debating when to bring out a new book, pay attention to what else is happening at least when possible-- and with this book, it had been possible. 

Bound for the Hills also has gotten two wonderful reviews. I should ask some of these readers to write my blurbs.
Willy and Cole's story grabbed my interest from the start and didn't let go! I felt like I was part of the story. I loved the detailed characters and the setting at the lake. I felt like I was right there in the beauty of the wilderness. I still feel like I in it even after I have finished it.
I like how the writer brought in a dog to the story. That made it feel so real with emotions you only have for a pet.
The mystery the fear, the growing romance, the story line all were so intense that I couldn't put it down.
Well written and highly recommended. Look forward to read all of this authors books.  
My oh my! What a wonderful gift of writing! Rain Trueax, you have given us another wonderful book in the Arizona Historicals! Filled with all the romance, suspense and mystery, that I have come to expect from you, kept me turning the pages way past my bedtime. Loaded with interesting new characters, good and bad, kept the story moving right along. Add the ones from past books that I have come to love, just added to my enjoyment.
I loved Willy! Strong and determined and very brave, I admired her and thought she was very brave for renting a cabin in the Mazatzals, away from everyone. I loved the theme of this book, the heroine as a writer of dime novels, to put herself through college, not realizing how true the last one she wrote, the Last Taggert, would turn out to be. Cole Taggert, was our hero and what a wonderful hero he was. A tough exterior, but with a soft heart for those he loved, proved even though he may be the Last Taggert, he was not the bad guy the book portrayed.
This book took me from San Francisco to the Mazatzals to Tucson and back with multiple characters but was so easy to follow. Along the way, the scenery was described beautifully and I could picture each scene.
I might add, I love the character of Nate and maybe we'll get to see more of him someday. The dogs and the character of Lars, just added the humor needed in the book.
I tried to hang on to this book as long as I could, but I finally came to the end, sad it was over but happy with the perfect ending!
I have enjoyed reading each book in this series and getting to know the women that know what they want and will not settle for less than the men that have stolen their hearts. Mild sexual situations
So now, here I am editing again. Instead of beginning the next books, I am making sure all seven of the Arizona historicals show up well. The one I am on first is Arizona Sunset, the one that began it all. I still love this book, its characters. Mostly what I am changing  involves point of view. I may write more about that in the future as it's a kind of techie thing for authors but readers have preferences regarding it too. 


  1. So glad you are back on the positive end of the art world. This is a tough passage and you are correct in that the popularity of a book is much more complicated than one thinks. Glad you have some fans that flame your passion.

  2. Thank you, Tabor. I think it's part of the life of creative people in any field if they go beyond themselves and put their work out there. I am always happy with what I do and love the stories, characters, which keeps a person writing. I read something today from an author I have read for years and loved her books as she discussed the depression she felt when her latest book had not been included in an award competition. It is something a person gets past but it can be very hurtful-- even for those at the top of the pyramid.

    One thing I did today was put a boost onto a Facebook post for the new book (while I finished editing the one I've been working on). I liked what i wrote about Bound for the Hills and anyone interested in what you can do to push a book (one of many things and a least expensive one I might add). It's at Rain Trueax at Facebook. I don't put a lot of money into advertising and maybe my books suffer for it but for those of you who have a business/professinal/author page at Facebook, this is one option.
