Saturday, June 29, 2013

Happy Birthday

Farm Boss and I have had quite a few birthdays together (we will have been married 49 years in September and been together since the fall of 1962 when we started to date--haven't broken up yet... not to say there haven't been a few close calls) but this is a special one--

Happy 70th Birthday, Farm Boss!

Okay, two weeks ago he asked me to take the one above after he got his ATV stuck in the mud and ended up covered with mud and oil as he tried to repair it (didn't ask me to post it here though). The ATV is still on the sick list :). 

To show he did clean up, photo with his long time friend as they assess the ATV's health issues.

It might take awhile for the photos to totally open but stick with them. It's a tiny bit of a lifetime there ;)


  1. Anonymous7:17 AM

    A very happy birthday to Farm Boss. What a fantastic set of photos.

  2. Great selection of pictures!! Wonderful idea to create this tribute!!! I'll see if I can find some from Tucson days.

  3. How lovely to see Farm Boss through the years.....! Wishing him the HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY, Ever!!!! And 70 certainly is a big milestone!
    Lovely pictures, my dear.....I LOVE seeing old photographs and especially on a very special Birthday!

  4. Happy Birthday to Farm Boss! These are great photos -- I love the one of him wearing the camera, what a little man!

  5. A Happy Birthday to Farm Boss! I will hit that same milepost in September and to me, it really doesn't seem old. I guess it depends on where you are looking at it from.

  6. Happy Birthday to Farm Boss. Nice montage you assembled.

  7. Turning 70 is old, Dick, but it feels good to me. I like the idea of a new decade, new start. I like the idea of getting to old age where so many I know did not. To me it's cool to think of a lifetime as he has had with yet more ahead. It's hard to even believe we were the same people as back then (he still looks hot to me).

    The one of Farm Boss fishing was given to us yesterday at a birthday celebration here at the farm with friends and family. It was taken by that friend who shows up twice in the photos (and a lot more through the years with us). The two of them met before he and I did. That photo was taken on one of those fishing trips the summer of 1962-- a few months before he met me (at an age where the last thing on his mind was finding the girl he would marry two years later).

  8. Happy birthday to Farm Boss!

  9. Happy Birthday and many congratulations!
