Thursday, December 27, 2012



  1. I am going to create with color, stay away from fearful people who threaten you must prepare for the after-life.

  2. what kind of people would those be, Diane, and how would we recognize them? You know that this quote by the poet Mary Oliver is about making the most of time here, not preparing for any afterlife but not assuming we get forever. We have one shot at it (as best we know) and it's a wondrous experience we have. Make the most of it. That's her message.

  3. Apparently I will sit around wondering what I would do if I knew I couldn't fail.

    A recently introduced phrase, "Get out of your head and into your life." is swirling around in my brain these days.

  4. This post is tough for me as I think I do waste much time.

  5. I think a lot of people are reflecting along these lines.
    I would add that we (in fact) do exist to make life better for others. We do this by developing our skills and taking care of what is around us. We work toward making life better for everyone.
    And we cultivate joy.

  6. Well we can't know we won't fail unless we take a path of least resistance where it doesn't challenge us. So we can write and not fail but then when we decide to publish, we might. Same with paintings or sculpture or relationships. There are no guarantees.

    I think some time in our head is good ;) but then there comes that time to take the risk and step out on whatever it is.

  7. I feel there should be a balance between Head and Heart. And...I love that quote. Use the time wisely or even throwing caution to the wind---but, Use It...and Im mean, in whatever that means to you!
