Sunday, August 05, 2012

again and again :(

Another attack. I really wish I understood what is going on where it comes to this kind of senseless violence. Over and over we are saying the same thing. Why? And then such sorrow for the victims and their families. Depressing doesn't begin to describe it. :( I don't know if it would help to understand the why because there can't be a reason most of us would understand. Just so tragic.


  1. Ah Rain, it’s the futility of it that’s overwhelming. Prayers for the victims and their families seem not enough. It has to stop.

  2. I'm with you, Rain.

    And here, locally, a guy walked into a Big 5 store and starting shooting yesterday. Nobody hurt, thank goodness, and he was taken into custody.

    The mind boggles.

  3. What the heck? Sikh's pretty much keep to themselves and don't bother anybody. We have the largest population of them in the nation not far from here. While they may wear turbans they are not Muslim.

  4. It is heartbreaking and soooo damn depressing....Senseless and seemingly crazy, too. I agree, It Has Got To Stop!

  5. And this nut bar was not even in the young man age group. We need better mental health care in this country and not be politically correct when people act out in a violent manner.
