Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Disappointment that money talks

Well Walker won in Wisconsin due to massive influx of billionaire money which proves to those oligarchs that they can control the vote and win whatever they want by using their millions (which for them are like dollars would be for working class families).

Unions lost and working people lost but the working people, who voted for Walker, don't really get it yet. They voted as they did because they were convinced it was all about the other getting something that they were entitled to instead. They became convinced they were on the side of Walker and the billionaires. Interesting to see how that works out for them.

So we shall see if the same 10 to 1 spending in a national presidential election can do the same thing. With a lot of Democrats down on Obama for not going farther left, it might.

I liked this quote, which lays out what is at stake. It was in Andrew Sullivan's blog--
 "Suppose for the sake of argument that our national debt has become a huge problem. How did it become a problem? Because of the Bush tax cuts, the Iraq War, and the recession (which, whatever its root causes, came about under Bush). Suppose for the sake of argument that future spending on Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security has become a huge problem. How did it become a problem?

"Because of massive increases in the cost of medical care, which has been exacerbated by Republican obstruction of national health care policy (the US spends about 50% more on medical care as a proportion of GDP than other western countries).

"If Romney wins, and uses the so-called debt crisis to end collective bargaining rights, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid as we know them, it will be nothing less than another Reichstag fire," - "Metrosexual Black AbeJ," Balloon Juice.


  1. All I can say is that I am very depressed today.

  2. "the working people, who voted for Walker, don't really get it yet. They voted as they did because they were convinced it was all about the other getting something that they were entitled to instead."

    You hit the nail right on the head. When will people learn that they are being played?

  3. We should take this as a call to arms. If we don't put everything we can into the November elections, both for Presidency and Congress, this will be the result for us all.

  4. the youth vote must come out in huge numbers this November. The Obama campaign has got to reinvigorate them or we will surely lose.

  5. I have to say I'm extremely disappointed in Obama but the alternative is too horrendous to bear.
    Regular working people really don't get it and I don't know how we can help them to understand.

  6. I just think a lot of people are no damned good and happy to be that way!

  7. We can put up the good fight... but we will perpetually need to do so until the system has been changed. The day the Supreme Court handed down the "Citizens United" decision, I heard the death knell for this country.
