Monday, May 21, 2012

Yellowstone Experience

My enthusiasm for writing this blog is low in the aftermath of driving so far and with so much traffic. I came back to the farm feeling highly stressed which didn't lessen when I got an episode of food poisoning at the same time as the emotional upset over it led to sky high blood pressure. EEk.

So I went to my doctor-- reluctantly I might add-- even though the numbers were back down to what is normal for me but borderline not okay by the medical system. He suggested with one of those little smiles he does so well, that I try a med for it. I was prepared, mentally resigned, and so I am starting onto something he claims is mild, without side effects-- and might help.

I also know I need to reduce my stress level by expecting less of myself, walking more, losing weight, and not letting things get to me. I am a lucky woman in a ton of ways but stress is about anything that isn't going well or does upset a person. I am going to work on improving my reaction to it.

Today I am relishing the sound of rain outside an open glass door. I do love that sound and all the green that is so lush around the farmhouse.

So, stress tips appreciated and in the meantime, here is one of the scenery videos I created for YouTube. I had put it out before but with different music. For this I used JewelBeat (which provides a license to use anywhere for $.99 or free if you allow their name at the end). But I like owning the license and this brings back wonderful memories of one almost magical trip and all the wonderful animals we saw. Doubtless I will go there again but it's unlikely I will ever have so many wonderful chances to photograph so many animals. It was awesome.

The music perfectly matches its energy. See if it helps your stress level.

You might consider bookmarking my YouTube Channel as once in awhile I will add more of this sort from trips that truly did feed my soul as I took them and now again through these photos!


  1. Well then, no more arguing with you about politics until after your next check-up.

  2. Ah no, political discussion refresh me. Can't give that up ;) Well maybe not with everybody but with thinkers like you or ingineer. That's healthy energy. Watching the news maybe not so much ;)

  3. I know you know most of the stress exercises but something different that helps me a lot is watching something funny on TV like, for me, David Letterman. He always has me laughing out loud.

  4. You did get to see a lot of the wildlife in the area. That can reduce stress. Love the video and thank you for sharing. You live in an area that has nice herby smells and perhaps that can help with stress.

  5. I agree with Rubye Jack -- comedies are great stress reducers for me. As are slow walks around in the fresh air. Or digging in the earth. Or putting on some Zen meditation music while prone on my bed.

    Or a massage....ah...that one works really really well.

    Sorry you are feeling so poorly. That doesn't help the stress level, does it? Wishing you well.

  6. I like comedies too and the other thing is any Jane Austen film or those set in that era. I think you all for your concern. Talking to my doctor was reassuring and I finally accepted I need to do what I told my mother years back she should do and accepted reality. I do hope that this summer with less writing, more painting, daily walking, and some nice trips of shorter nature, I'll get it down without the meds. But for now, I think it is what it is. I am feeling better but after a bout of food poisoning, one has to watch what they eat for awhile.

  7. A Lovely Video....! WQhat a gorgeous trip that was---And thank you for sharing it with us....!

    I find Music reduces my stress level, tremendously....Just listening to certain music can relax me no end...!
    Some films do that for me, too....Romantic Comedy's probably are #1 on the Stress Reducing Meter.....
    I hope you are able to get your Blood Pressure to a more acceptable number, my dear....!

  8. How that "Q" got in there----lol...
    That should have read "WHAT" a gorgeous trip that was....

  9. I find that keeping things bottled in is what causes my blood pressure to go up.
    Cutting way back on my salt intake has been a huge help, and so far I don't need to take mediation.

  10. I just lost my comment, too tired to re-create tonight. Enjoyed your video.

  11. I have been taking some down time too and missed this post. Hope you are feeling better and loved the video. The music will be in my head for awhile. :)

  12. I would agree with the others and say that a massage helps as well as watching silly comedy movies. Also I would recommend going some place where you can see a long ways like up on a mountain or something, but not too high in elevation until your blood pressure is under control.

    On the medical front, I was prescribed medication about 6 years ago and about one and a half years ago, it was working so well that the doctor reduced it to one pill every other day. I may be able to completely get off it, but I have been kind of lax on the diet and exercise front so maybe not.

  13. I think I will have to ask for suggestions on good comedies in a soon to be blog. I like comedies but mostly the dry humor type like My Fellow Americans. I'd rather have some laugh out loud types right now.

    I think my bp meds might work that way as the reading this morning was 126/72 which was pretty much the result as soon as I started it. The doctor said to check it for a month and give him the results. But how do you ever remember it every other day? lol

  14. That is a good question. I had a horrible time remembering every other day so I had to buy one of those 7 day pill boxes, the ones that say M T W T F S S on the little compartments. You know the type that "old" people use. It was a definite blow to the ego.

  15. That's funny, ingineer. I will have to keep that solution in mind. With the vitamin/mineral supplements I take, I solve it by where I put them on the shelf.. which only works when I taking one of each but would not if I tried to vary how often I took them.
