Friday, May 04, 2012

Stephen King's Message to Romney

Kay at Kay's Thinking Cap put this badge up. It needs to go viral as it so true. The right wing is convincing a lot of people of lies and the left needs to push back hard with the whole truth. We can't let rightie pundits and politicians twist slick words into something that sounds good to those who don't take the time to look at the whole picture. These people talk so loosely of patriotism while they put their own money in foreign banks. Yeah patriots all!

Good for Stephen King-- expletives and all. There are times that swear words are needed for punctuation!


  1. This was posted on FB by one of my friends. It is so true. He claims he is a patriot but hides his money from fair taxes and only give to his religion. A citizen who has so much should be able to give to everyone.

  2. I put it on my Facebook also. I don't often put anything political there but this is cultural. It's a group of people who got theirs and now want to prevent others from getting a chance at their own rise. Romney is clueless and a tool. He probably always was as his business success was in as group that may have had every reason to help him succeed. They made their money by taking jobs from others. There is nothing admirable about Mitt Romney's rise to power.

    I heard yesterday what he's likely to do to the federal post office if he gets in power to do it as in end it and turn that work private. They will then get that fat pool of pension funds which is why the post office does not look successful.

    What the right forgets is things like a federal post office, like public education had a purpose in holding us together and helping us gain power as a united people. What they want to do is end all that and they call it patriotism. It is sickening and I wish more people with the power of the podium, which King has, would speak up on this. It takes courage in this time.

  3. What is going on is so Machiavellian that it's hard to believe sometimes. What amazes me even more is when they cloak it in patriotism. But it's part of what makes it Machiavellian!

  4. Found at the root of the evil of money is greed and power. People change when they get too much money and care less for others, or else they find it in their hearts to help others. Either way they maintain control.

    Tea Party people know they are not good citizens and far from being patriots as they shout their rhetoric in an attempt to cover up their greed.

  5. Glad you liked this so much!!! I'd like to see more guys like King stand up and shout!!!!

  6. I commented on FB before I saw it here. I do not normally talk politics on FB either.

    How come Obama wanting to take people's private 401k and put them on an expanded social security system (which is broke) is OK, but Romney talking about restructuring Federal employees retirement is evil?

  7. I won't have to tell you what if he gets in power. He's a clueless candidate for clueless people who trust corporate masters but not a government where they can vote out the ones in power but they stay ignorant and don't bother.

    And I never said I like all Obama is doing but he won't gut Planned Parenthood or ban gay marriage or send women back to the dark ages.

    Where it comes to economics, Romney talks a lot but it's from a man who made a lot of money by destroying better paying jobs, sending them overseas, and actually when he talks, sounds inept to me. How do you suppose he got in that position? Did somebody put him there to get him ready to do what the right is wanting-- more assaults on personal freedoms and taking more from us but putting it in corporate coffers.

    As for the 401K, all I can find about it is from right wing sites and there are tons of them screaming it but where are the facts of the proposal? Do you have an actual link about the bill and exact place it shows up? I have no idea-- but Obama has always been too much on the corporate side for my taste. You think Romney will be better? You have to be kidding. Something is wrong with Romney with all those lies and then the way he says such stupid things from out of nowhere. He just doesn't seem nearly smart enough to be the business wunderkind he's supposed to be. Communication skills are poor and where is the proof that he has done anything right. He lost jobs for Mass. when he was governor. He saved the Olympics with federal tax bailout. He made a lot of money with Bain who may well have wanted him to look rich for this exact time. Letting him think he earned a quarter of a million is small change to those guys.

  8. I won't argue it on Facebook but what King is saying is cultural more than political. It's a fact that my generation and yours benefited a lot from a government that was into helping ordinary people. You are about to make choices to end that for future generations. We've seen it starting already with the high cost of college. It was not that way when I was a kid because college was subsidized and there was not the big push to bring in foreign students. I've seen that change and now we see where only the foreign students (with the help of their governments) can afford to go to our own universities. Our country has been convinced government is bad so that another group can rule-- the oligarchs, who know more wisely what should be done-- to profit themselves. And people like you and Bernie will have helped this all happen if you don't wake up. I felt like asking him if those entitlements he meant were SS, Medicare, Unemployment, libraries, highway systems, food safety, etc? Which ones exactly are bad? Oh I know the answer-- anything for the 'other'. King was talking about culture and the saving of a way of life that is in danger. And it takes courage to speak up when you are a public figure who makes your money from selling books to a group of people who some will ban you for speaking your mind.

  9. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Thanks for posting this, rain.

  10. Yes Romney gives to his church but that is only about half of his charitable contributions. And like them or not the Mormon church does do a lot of good charity work. Which is more than I can say about the church that Obama attended for 20 years where they bad mouth America.

    I know Obama donated his Nobel money and that his charity rate has gone up now that he is a public figure and knew it would be public. I think that shows more about his character that charity only became important when other people get to see it. He only averaged about a 1% giving rate before he got to the Senate.

  11. Yes it is a cultural shift. In Obama's America half the people do not pay taxes and 15% of them can't find a job so they need government assistance. He is a big government, cradle to grave nanny state guy. Most conservatives believe that the individual needs to pull themselves up and the government should do its best to stay out of the way, but provide an emergency safety net. Not be the first and only answer to every problem a person has in their lives.

  12. I cannot remember for sure, but I think I heard the 401k thing from a speech that Biden gave. The government takes all your 401k money for a quick infusion into the treasury so they can give more money to green energy companies that are going out of business and then they "guarantee" you a monthly check whether the stock market goes up or down. Doesn't matter that those dollars aren't worth the paper their printed on because the national debt is swallowing the GDP.

  13. I suggest you watch out for quoting what Biden said unless you have the text because the right wing is like your favorite presidential candidate, they lie when it suits them and distort what is happening. Remember the laws the Republicans pushed through to make the postal service have this huge pot of money for pensions, now they say it can't pay its way and should be privatized. Wonder who gets the pot of money already there.

    And you gave us Bush. If you can, you will give us Romney and you will not pay the highest price for it. The poor and women will pay that! I am amazed any woman can support Romney. Although Maher had a funny 'ad' last night that Funny or Die put out-- Republicans get in my vagina. There are women who circumcise their daughters too in the name of their religion.

    The thing I hate about the talk that the right puts out is it's no joke! And the ones who will pay for it are the weak. Romney though is such a loose cannon that who knows what he will do once he gets in. Just read the list of his lies and then tell me how anybody can vote for that. Oh I know they claim Obama lied too but in his case, it's not the same kind and more of he thinks he can do something he finds he cannot given our political climate-- like Guantanamo

  14. To me Romney is almost a pathological liar because he lies when it wouldn't matter. Something is wrong with that guy mentally.

  15. I heard the audio from the speech, I just cannot remember who it was, if it was BO or Biden or one of the cabinet members. I could not believe they were actually putting forward a plan that is basically just another version of social security which is broke because the politicians spend twice what they take in.

    As for the poor and women being hurt by Republicans, you should check your facts. A strong economy helps ALL Americans. The middle class and working poor have been hurt more by Obama's economy than anything Romney would do.

  16. And what would Romney or any Republican do that would help the middle class hold ground? Lowering taxes hasn't worked and yet it's all I have heard Romney suggest and again on the richest, who already pay a lower rate than for years. You know those job creators who actually destroy jobs to up the stock market. Nice for somebody like me in the stock market but tell me how that builds jobs?

    Romney lies and talks stupid stuff like he'd bring the unemployment down to 4% something it hasn't done for years all while he talks less government. Oh I know give the richest more money and they'll do it. You are living in a bubble if you believe that.

    Then he favors government restrictions on our personal freedoms like that personhood bill which would take more freedom from women.

    Romney talks one way but look at his record. He cost Massachusetts jobs in a fairly good economy. He destroyed jobs to make his own fortune. he puts his money in overseas banks. Tell me what he'd do. I'd like to hear it. All I hear is more tax cuts that he doesn't explain how he'd pay for. You really do believe in pie in the sky and you bought it with Bush.

    Actually Obama has done pretty good on job growth given our economy but when you republicans don't want government doing anything how can you promise anything from a government with your philosophy other than banning gay marriage, back to don't ask don't tell, invade Iran, not pay for it, and take away the rights of women to do anything. I hope you looked at that video about GOP and women's vaginas. They are going after that in every state with Republican control. I know what you'll say-- oh I don't like that part. But you will be bringing it on with Romney-- assuming he's not lying again. What I don't get is how anybody can vote for such a liar and on stupid little stuff. What's up with that!

  17. oh and SS is not broke. It had its money borrowed by the feds but it's funded for quite awhile and would not have any problem if they simply upped the income on which workers paid the payroll tax something that inflation makes into commonsense. Without SS, only gov't workers right and the rich would have pensions. And those gov't pensions are on the chopping block to for right wingers. You just wait, they will also be destroyed in the name of shrinking the gov't. Investments, oh that works well when the stock market has no security built into it at all. It can go up and it can go down-- and it can crash. You guys who want to destroy gov't are destroying any chance for yourself while the rich grow richer-- and you will not. Nobody in the middle will benefit from Republican policies. They are all aimed to benefit the wealthiest and it's so ironic that you who need them don't see that.

  18. You are correct it is not broke. But social security is scheduled to go broke the year I turn 67 and Medicare the year I tunn 58. So it might as well be.

  19. It will never grow broke so that's not correct. Always money will come in every year unless your party manages to end it period. There is any easy fix and tell me why Republicans don't embrace it? One would be keep the current limit on the bottom end but pick back up the payroll tax at say $250,000 a year incomes and have it paid all the way from there with no cap. Another one is just up it (as inflation has done) and keep upping it. Why would one party not want to do that? One idea is they don't want there to be any SS and they never did and like their Machiavellian plot to get rid of the federal post office (turning that all private), they maneuvered in that necessary huge pension pot which they don't need and no business has but they wanted to rid the country of a national postal service.

    This is one area where I don't like what Obama did as with a Congress that will not deal with the tax cut that they passed without paying for, he has had the payroll tax almost off income. That just meant the SS pot would be in worse shape. He is advocating some of the right's ideas from that special committee which is so un-leftie that it's amazing righties aren't cheering him but no, they still call him a socialist because some people, like Bernie, buy it.

    Obama and Congress have to be told how important this is, up that cap (inflation made that a mandatory option if anybody wanted SS to stay there). That will be the end of this problem, but they aren't doing it.

    Some want the middle class Americans to be poor and one of them who comes to mind for that is Romney who said regarding kids tuition for college-- just borrow it from their parents. Could that man be more clueless as to what it's like to be middle class these days? He doesn't need anybody running against him. He runs against himself time and again. He's such a dupe that I don't believe he ever made that money without somebody helping him do that too.

  20. And keep in mind on Medicare that the Republicans also want it gone. They and Bush managed that one by passing a prescription drug benefit that didn't allow for bargaining for lower drug prices such as the VA can do. Why would they want it to go broke? It was working fine before. Just let seniors buy drugs from anywhere in the world through mail order. Competition will change drug prices fast. They won't do that. They want to ruin Medicare and VA will be next. That bunch, the oligarchs, who truly run things right now, they do not want government to have any successes. It's all that has the power to stand against them as things stand. Unions have been defanged and government is all that is left.

    Even the Occupy movement can't really succeed as the oligarchs have gotten a police force trained to deal with crowds brutally. Individuals need a strong government and right now we still have a vote if we get the right people to run against the powers inside. BUT the people are divided between tea partiers who cannot stand the idea of a black man as president and the Occupiers who could easily end up like Greece did with firebombing banks and killing clerks. That's how little logical sense there is in anarchy but it's easily stirred into a rage that shoots itself in the foot instead of getting good candidates to run and convincing Americans to forget who won American Idol and instead pay attention to those candidates. Lotsaluck with that as things stand :(

  21. OK there will not be enough money coming in to pay what is going out. Everywhere but the government that is broke. We are back to my previous point. They will still have money because they have a printing press to print more, but it will be worthless, because the debt will be so great that we will be like Mexico in the 80's.

    And yes there are some fairly easy ways to fix it or at least make it more solvent. Ronald Reagan tried that in 1987 but the Democrats controlling Congress said there was plenty of time to fix it before it went broke. There is plenty of blame to go around. The politicians just punt it to the next group because they don't want to do anything hard or that might get them kicked out of office. W tried to reform it with a Republican House and Senate and could not get them to do anything.

    Do you really believe that the police are being too brutal with the Occupy crowd? Have you seen the destruction they have caused? Damaging historic buildings and works of art in City Halls, destroying parks, rapes, assaults, etc. These wackos have been given a pass for too long. And when the police do crack down a little they whine like little children.

  22. There is an easy fix. Why do Republicans resist it? Why do they resist the rich paying the rates they paid under other presidents? What makes the average Republican see himself more like the wealthiest elites than like what he is-- one of the masses.

    I guess you will have to show me the photos of all the damage the Occupiers have done as I have seen little evidence of it and most of the people I know who are part of it are seniors and ordinary folks. You are really buying a load of crap if you will pardon my french.

    I don't believe that when people come somewhere and the police come in with clubs that it's a good thing. I also see the potential for this to turn even uglier on both sides if the income inequality continues to grow. Do you really think it's good when .1% of the people have most of the income and resources? top 5 facts about America's wealthiest That's not the country I grew up in but it's the one you righties are determined to gives us not to mention the end of access to birth control and women's right to choose. After all how could women choose wisely on it, right? The right wing talks freedom but builds power for a few over the rest.

    What I'd like to know is why the average people are supporting a system that is taking away any hope for their own children's future-- unless they want to be in the military and even that will be iffy if the desire to cut government continues.

  23. How many occupiers do you know? I suspect you are believing the Foxies with their warped statistics. A rape happens everywhere but when it happens in an Occupy camp, suddenly it's all their fault and not the nature of some brutish males.

  24. My Occupy group is taking a different stand. We show our support by helping those who have been affected by the idiots who have more money than sense. Our latest projects include helping black church that's in foreclosure, supporting local small businesses, and participating in local events.

    Note: A recent study shows that Fox News viewers are less informed than people who don't watch/listen to the news at all.

  25. Anonymous11:35 PM

    To Rain: I don't appreciate your threats to "watch out!" You have to be kidding about Romney's poor communication skills! I mean really, I can barely get through Obama's PRESS secretary let alone our President who does nothing but STUDDER to get his point across! So now, he wishes he would've told the people the story??? What??? How about LEADING our country? But, I get it Rain, you don't want to argue unless you get only your point's not about Romney, this is about you. As for Tabor, if I don't know much about something I research it, so you might want to read up on the tithing of the Mormon church and where that money literally goes to. "TO HELP EVERYONE" Really, check it out, don't worry they won't convert you. As for this article, hey, everyone has their free speech but where does Stephen get off on this? Does he literally give handouts to people suffering in our nation or does he wait for it to become law? Check it out. First the left wing laughed that Romney was too squeaky clean, now because they can't face the numbers,Romney is a felon! Check out the rest of the democrats who bank their monies oversees and outsource! I mean for goodness sake let's be fair!I'm neither democrat or republican, but it is obvious to me that the left wing is grasping for anything they can demean. I mean seriously where do you get off?

  26. Anonymous, I get off because it's my blog :)

  27. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Rain Rrueax: I agree with you on everything you have said. I am a college student and last year my father passed away from cancer. It was hard enough going to college when my dad was around but now its getting to be damn near impossible. Its going to take me two more years to graduate, I have to take out more loans because the cost of education keeps rising, teachers are being cut (which means less open spaces for classes that you need to take in order to graduate), and to sum that up I no longer have medical insurance. I struggle to pay all my medical expenses that the university can't provide because of the cost, out of pocket. If I were to have an accident of any kind I would have to pay that out of pocket. Going to the dentist is like saving up all year for spring break. Even with the affordable insurance for dental care I still pay a pretty high bill on my out of pocket expenses. I can only work so many jobs and keep up at school without falling flat on my face and ending up..oh yeah, at the hospital. And the little that President Obama is trying to accomplish for us struggling college student who want nothing more than to graduate and make a better life in this county, I truly appreciate his efforts. My father worked for the government a while back when I was a small child and he taught me a thing or two. While Obama is not perfect and the list of things to fix in the U.S's economy have not been all done. He has done a decent job. I think people have forgotten where this economy had been going before President Obama interred his term as President. People have forgotten the kind of bullshit that we were in before Obama interred his term. And for a man that has spent only four years in office facing all the obstacles that he has had to face. He has in my opinion accomplished some pretty amazing things. I may not agree with everything but at least I know that OUR current Presidents heart and intentions are in the right place. And therefore I'm willing to risk four more years with him. I feel no comfort with even the thought of Romney being President non what's so ever. For the man's heart is not into the betterment of this country. I really truly believe that. If that man takes office I really do fear for the majority of the people in this country. Unfortunately only few people have the ability to look at two sides of the story and make correct judgements. And unfortunately you can't teach a bat to see and you sure as hell can't teach a pig to fly. I keep crossing my fingers and hoping that humans will learn from the past, but I have a feeling that I will be crossing my fingers to the day I die.
