Saturday, March 03, 2012

A divided view of life

Currently I have two ways of looking at whatever is going on in our country. The two views alternate-- from total frustration to a sense of serenity.

How can any woman not be furious reading that Rush Limbaugh said women who want to use birth control are sluts. He didn't even add when not married, but I am pretty sure it's what he meant-- maybe. What I have to wonder after hearing him double down on this-- is he back on drugs? But then why did Republican politicians add to it? None had the guts to stand against him. It was pathetic how they kowtowed.

Limbaugh appeared to think women need to take more birth control pills if they  have more sex... So he thinks it's like Viagra (which he likely knows something about)? Could he be that ignorant of how birth control pills or an IUD work? Incidentally do you suppose he and his ilk (most Republican politicians and rightie commentators like O'Reilly) think Viagra should be covered by insurance?

Basically by Limbaugh's slander of this young woman, he just also named Gingrich's current wife as a slut; and I wouldn't be surprised if his own current wife would fit his category as not too many married couples haven't had sex before they marry. Using contraceptives to avoid pregnancy in that situation is slut behavior?

More than who Rush is, what I want to know is who are his audience, those supposedly twenty million who daily listen to his radio program.  That he has an audience bothers me more than what he says. He's just one man, but who all does he influence?

Worse in this case was knowing that with the evening, I'd not only have read what he said but then listen to it on my favorite leftie news program. Do you suppose Fox also had it on or do they just want to forget he said it?

But there is a bright side to it. So often when you hear something like this, there is the other side of the coin and it's uplifting. In this instance is the quality of the woman Rush called a slut. (Who evidently the right wing is investigating now to try and find something evil in her background to use against her. Uppity women... cannot have uppity women!)

For anybody who has been in a vacuum recently, the lady in question had been refused a chance to testify before Issa's lynching panel when they were discussing the need of the religious right to mandate that everybody follow their legalistic dictates. It mattered how the religious pharisees saw it but not how the women impacted by it saw it. Argh and why the first picture here!

But the bravery of that young woman who wanted to testify, to talk about the need for contraceptives for women like her friend who lost an ovary because she couldn't afford to take the pill and did not have insurance to cover it. The pill is as much medical as a supposed free pass to have sex. Birth control even when it regards sex is about responsibility. Women like that young woman give me faith and hope for our future.

Mostly, as I have mentioned before, it's in nature that I find the greatest comfort. Nature and our need to protect it, to value it. For another upbeat story, I just read that the federal government will stop charging user fees for hiking on federal lands. ☼ No more 'adventure passes' needed for a spontaneous walk in the woods or up a desert canyon (if it's national forest). If more people got out and did that, I think we'd have a lot less Rush types...


  1. I don't think Rush walks in the woods at all. He could use some exercise those. Being a "former" drug addict, one would think he would be more considerate of humanity, but like Trump who claimed his detectives found important stuff on Obama in Hawaii (and then never brought the stuff to light)and like Coulter who denigrate the wives/widows of the9/11 tragedy, they get off on making such ridiculous statements and get off on the all the fame that means more money.

  2. Well, the way it looks from here, the more the Republicans carry on with ridiculousness, the less chance they have to win the election. They seem to be out to alienate not only every undecided vote, but their own supporters and party members as well. So to me, it's all swan songs, the last hootings of a dying race. Obama may not be the saviour everyone hoped him to be, but he appears to be better than the alternatives just by keeping his mouth shut.

    Unless of course Americans are really buying that c**p. I'm sure a few do, but if they are in the majority, g*d help the rest of us on this planet, they'll take us all down.

  3. IF enough sponsors leave his program, he might find it's not proving lucrative to say those nasty things. The people who like hearing it may not buy enough of the products to make it worthwhile. I don't do boycotts, but I could be inspired to remember the names of the companies that have said they don't want to sponsor someone who would call their daughters sluts. And that is what he was doing to most young women today. Worse is what he was encouraging is more unplanned pregnancies which means more abortions-- the opposite of what the right claims to want. The thing is right wing politicians are scared to death to really find fault with him because they do think he speaks for 20 million people. I would hate to think they are right.

    Who would be impressed with him saying if he's going to pay for birth control, he wants sex tapes. You have to wonder who he thinks his audience is!

    I would frankly mind him less if I also wasn't stuck with seeing him over and over on my left-wing news programs. Please, left wing commentators, do NOT play the video of him. We get it-- he's an idiot. IF we wanted to hear him, we'd listen to his show-- not your news programs! I did wonder if Fox is also playing them or do they want their righties to not realize what he really is...

  4. I too wonder who it is that makes up Rush's audience. Scary to think about about at times. I'm not very confrontive but I'm trying to speak up when I hear someone praising this crap, they'll think we agree if we don't.

  5. Anonymous7:47 AM

    It must not have been news-worthy in Kansas. I didn't hear a thing about it until I chanced across an excerpt from a video of his apology, Saturday night.
    Cop Car

  6. I'm a bit late getting here because I have not been able to get on The Net since early Sarurday A.M. like, 1A.M....Grrrrr. My computer Wizard finally came today and fixed it ....! HOORAY!

    Like you, I cannot imagine who these twenty million people are who listen to these dangerous nut-case! This was, to me, the WORST he's ever been, (that I'm aware of...)...The young lady appeared this morning on The View---She Was Terrific!! Mr. L. issued a feeble stupid apology that was so lame as to be NON-Existent in the "apology" department....OY!!!!!!

  7. I tried to comment from Hawaii with my iPhone and it didn't take.

  8. Too bad. This one came through four times ;)

  9. There's no bottom as to how low and hateful these people go with their vitriol.

  10. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Thank you for sharing. Not to many people in your position are so gracious. Your article was very poignant and understandable. It helped me to understand very clearly. Thank you for your help.

  11. Anonymous10:05 PM

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  12. Anonymous3:23 AM

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