Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Nature is an energy builder

Without a doubt, nature is one of my stars, moments with it bring energy to me. During the month of January when we had problems with our plumbing and bad colds that were hard to knock, as in they'd go away and we'd either get a new one or they would not really have gone away, being out in nature, cold though it was was the main energy builder.

One morning, the alpenglow was all around our valley as a rosy glow ringed the horizon just as the sun was rising. To see the setting moon above it, just before 8, was the cherry on top of the sundae.

Then there was a visit to our favorite wildlife refuge one Sunday as we watched the geese and ducks, with an extra treat of a coyote hunting in one of the meadows. He was at a bit of a distance for great photos but to watch him hunt, how he worked a field, that was interesting and enjoyable (unlike when it's watching them go after our sheep).

 It looked like he/she got at least one meal while hunting as we saw him jump and then appear to eat something. Maybe a frog as he was near a small pond.

We were actually there to take photos of the geese but sometimes they simply don't cooperate with where they land and take off. The sounds though of them and being there, was restorative with or without photos.


  1. What wonderful pictures of the coyote. What beautiful animals they sometimes are, especially in winter when their coats are full.

    How full of beauty the world is.

  2. your photographs are restorative, rain, thank you!

  3. People talk about how coyotes are becoming dangerous but it is only because we have so much encroached upon their territory. I love nature also. To me it is God.

  4. Love the moon at sunrise picture a real gem. And so to the coyote.

  5. Yes, we are animals of this world no matter how much we think we are a higher species. When we remain in touch with nature, we are back in our mother's arms.

  6. Enjoyed your photos. Watching wildlife is always so fascinating. We have coyotes living in our city now, having come down into our foothills. I'm in a residential community near to shopping centers, but in the wee morning hours I've often spotted them hunting in our streets. We no longer have stray cats roaming at night. If I have occasion to go outside in those midnight to daylight hours I'm very alert and carry my car alarm for a noise-maker, but haven't encountered any coyotes -- the way I like it.

  7. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Such beautiful photos, rain. Yes to the power of nature!

  8. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Rain--We saw a couple of red foxes the other day; but, it's been some time since we've seen coyotes in our yard. You got a great photo of your snow geese. They don't frequent our local skies; but, we get a lot of Canada geese.
    Great photos (as always!)
    Cop Car
