Wednesday, June 17, 2009

the Iranian situation and US response

Like many Americans, I have been following what is happening in Iran and trying to decipher what it means for the Iranian people, the region and us. The response of President Obama has been one of restraint which seems right to me. In the past, we have interfered in Iran's political situation and it's never worked well for us or them.

Senator McCain's response totally confirmed for me what I thought when he was running for president. That guy does not have the temperament to be president. Yesterday I heard someone from the left say McCain's bellicose response is not what he would have done had he been president. How would we know?

This article by Joe Klein not only goes into that but also gives more information on the situation in Iran from someone who has been there: [McCain Unhinged]. It's worth a read.


  1. A primary reason that I voted for Obama was that he seemed to go off half-cocked at the wrong time (is there a right time ?). I feel vindicated in that regard now.

  2. Hello Rain,
    I am glad to hear about you! Thanks for your visiting and nice comment. You are always welcome.
    Have a lovely day!

  3. I think restraint is the best option in this case. Unlike what Ahmadinejad says, most of Iran is pro-western and there are decent number of Jews living in Iran. The country was a strong US ally under the Shah and we have cultural and educational exchanges with them even under the Islamic government. So to compare them to the old Soviet Union or to any place else really is not a good comparison. Sure they are not as free of a nation as Canada, but the entire country is not in lock step with the evil empire of the face of the government.

  4. PS this is exactly the reason why I did not think McCain should be the President of the US. It sure looks like Romney would have been the correct choice with the economy continuing to collapse.

  5. I liked President Obama's call to Iran to avoid violence and his sincere sadness in the deaths that occured in Iran. His continued non-interfering policy allowing the Iranians to resolve their own poilitical choice is commendable. He said he would continue to reach out to who ever is eleceted.So this stance should help to calm Iran a little.

  6. Restraint works for me, too. One of the reasons I voted for Obama is that McCain appeared to be a loose cannon. Would that G.W. Bush had practicd restraint! Knee jerk tactics seldom are effective.

    Then again, I still want to know where the weapons of mass destruction are and why the hell my brother is over there.
