Even before I read this, I was beginning to think as Sullivan does. The Republicans are determined to make Obama fail. They will do anything they can. They do not care today, anymore than they did the last eight years, about what is best for the country. For them it's regain power at any cost. You can't work together when the philosophies are so diametrically opposed. One wins. The other loses.
A personal bit about me-- I don't like to play games where one must lose. I played them when I was younger; but as I get older, it bothers me to see someone else lose... but I don't like losing myself which leads to rarely playing games. In my relationships I don't like win/lose situations. I prefer to withdraw before it reaches that point. I would like to think the world can be one where we are capable of working together even when we disagree. I'd like to think all the people who run for political office want the best for our country and not just their own parties. It's not how life is.
In two years, there will be another election. Republicans in Congress not only don't appear to care how many lose their jobs between now and then; but probably the more the better. They are hoping to use economic failure in the country as a way to win back a majority in both Houses. Americans will have to decide which philosophy they want governing their country, and it looks like it'll have to be winner take all if we don't want to continue on this destructive path. I don't much like that but nobody asked what I liked.
No, this wasn't a rant. That comes tomorrow :)
Well, as much as I hate to admit that it HAS come to this....it HAS come to this. Believe me, I wanted a biparisan Administration also, just like Obama did. Because really, it's better to disagree on a few things, but to agree on the overall goal of what's best for the people of THIS COUNTRY.
ReplyDeleteWhat I've seen these past few weeks has led me to now feel POSITIVE there is NO way the Republicans want to do what's right for the people. It's all about them and winning. They're a bunch of sore losers and if the past few weeks isn't proof of sour grapes, then I don't know what IS.
You're right, Rain...they're trying very hard to set Obama, et al, up to fail.
And in my opinion, McCain is the one who was first on the bandwagon. Those good ole boys are a tight and self-centered group.
The Republican motto for the 2oo8 campaign was was "Country First". I'd like to see them practice what they preach.
ReplyDeleteI am soooo angry with The Repubicans, and have been for a long time...But now? MORE THAN EVER! They couldn't care less about "WE THE PEOPLE"...they are all about Self-Interest and their motto might as well be 'F--K the people of this country'....It is shameful, beyond words.
ReplyDeleteI hope that Obama will just keep is eye on the Prize and not expect that ANY Republicans will be attempting to care about what is best for The Country and for WE, The People.
McCain and all the rest of them are from a different breed of people. There is such a a lack of humanity in them---I do not understand it. And I don't understand how they think that what they are doing is going to 'feather' the Republican Nest, so to speak. They take NO Responsability for the last eight years and the deep deep trouble we are in because of them and the Republican Administration....They have no remorse for THEIR part in this horror show of an enonomy, or anything else THEY have perpetrated....It is disgusting and frankly...THEY ARE UN-AMERICAN!
Bipartisan politics?
ReplyDeleteOut the door with "I won".
"I'll grow the economy from the bottom up."
"Everyone making less than $250,00 will get a tax cut!"
Where's my tax cut? Where's yours?
Thirteen dollars a week!
To the blind among you, there are many of us that pointed out EXACTLY what would happen if this man was elected, but were ignored.
This ignorant man, (and I mean that in the kindest way... the fact that he made all those campaign promises shows how ignorant he was), is now realizing he's in way over his head. We'll all suffer for his lies and ignorance.
If you aren't able to admit this man LIED his way into office... was elected on his looks and his ability to speak well with the aid of a teleprompter...
If you cannot admit that the road to this failing economy started YEARS AGO with Jimmy Carter's hopes of putting folks into housing they couldn't afford...
that for the last two years an incompetent democrat congress has made things much worse...
there is no reason to attempt a dialogue. Why talk with those who refuse to "DI"alogue?
(Oh yeah, "You won!" Why aren't you now celebrating?!)
It is said "Politics is the art of compromise. This President isn't good at that. Nor are the folks that echo the viewpoint of this blog. The road ahead won't be to your liking. Is the only way to resolve this is through force?
It may come to that.
Be prepared.
It's not just me, sports fans-
ReplyDelete[Oklahoma Democratic Congressman Dan] Boren said Obama "missed an opportunity" for the stimulus bill to be bipartisan.
"It was a good thing for the president to meet with Republicans. The previous administration never met with Democratic members of Congress.
"The problem is that it became a Democrat bill and not an American bill," Boren continued, "because he didn't use any of the Republican ideas."
Tax cuts came because of Republican interests, not Democratic. Also the small business tax cuts are in there. I wasn't interested in a tax cut. I was interested in more for infrastructure. One good thing about this bill is it will be available online; so for once we Americans can read where it went. That's a positive change.
ReplyDeleteThe thing is Republicans and Democrats see this so differently that there has to be an agree to disagree for now. If Americans don't like what Obama does, in two years, they will vote in more Republicans and as he said, in 4 years a new president. I believe in his ideas but getting them through congress is going to be a struggle-- either party.
Some of this is where do you get your information? Are you told what it means by fox? by right wing talk show hosts? Or do you go online (once it is passed) and read it for yourself. The results will be visible if it helps but not tomorrow. We didn't get here instantly
There is evidently an $800 rebate per couple. I don't like that but it's another thing that Republicans wanted. Republicans in Congress are going to say what they will to regain their power. Americans have to sort this out if they care enough.
Obama so far is doing what I had hoped, what he said on his website. We'll see what the future brings. He's been in 3 weeks... It's asking a lot to expect him to fix everything already. I wonder if any president has been faced with such immediate expectations. Bush got his moment of accountability with 9/11. Obviously you know many of us did not think he met that challenge after he attacked Afghanistan to try and get bin Laden.
For anyone who is frustrated beyond measure by this; so am I. My blog on Valentine's Day will be on romance-- not love but romance. I really do not like writing about politics. Although I have one more up my sleeve... for the near future about something I've been thinking about. *s* But despite how it might seem, I get no joy from writing about politics. I do it because I feel I should write about things that seem important to me... Saturday that's the subject of romance!
I wonder now with Gregg, given what he said recently about why he did this, if somebody had something on him that they threatened to bring out with the confirmation process. The whole thing with him was very strange.
ReplyDeleteOne thing with Republicans is they don't care about competency on the job; but only about party loyalty and sexual purity-- or so it seems to many of us outside their loop.
Thanks Rain for making my point.
ReplyDeleteHow was that your point? I read your blog about boycotting say Bruce Springsteen. Not because he's a lousy musician but because he didn't support your candidate. If that's not party loyalty as first priority, what is?