Saturday, February 14, 2009

Romance or something like it

Valentine's Day-- Is there a day more set up to make those who don't have a soul mate kind of love feel sad? How many couples end up with arguments or disappointments over expectations not met! Who gains by days like Valentine's Day? Card/candy/flower sellers? Is it cynical of me to be suspicious of such days?

Here's the thing. If you have a lover, why isn't every day a good day to say I love you and every now and then send a card or flowers? If you don't have someone special in your life, what does Valentine's Day do for you?

For me, romance itself is suspect because it's one of those emotional, heart tugging things that doesn't necessarily lead to a quality life for any couple. I know there must be men who are inherently romantic and love doing special little things for their women, but not many have crossed my path. :) To be honest, I doubt I am the type of woman to be wooed by romantic gestures and most likely if I came across one of those men, I'd find something else wrong with him and go on my way.

Still I like romance when it's in the fantasy realm... kind of. I thought I'd write this blog about some of that romance, the kind that melts my heart. Is it real? Who cares.

Romantic films:
Well there are many great ones but one of my favorites is The Notebook because it is emotional, heartwarming, and covers love at both ends of the age spectrum. There are James Garner, Gena Rowlands as an old couple facing the end of life while at the beginning are Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams-- incidentally, who tried to make love work with each other in real life but unfortunately (for romantics) weren't able to make it last.

Romantic song:
There are many that make me sigh, but at the top of the list would be Unchained Melody which is an oldie. It's about a love that transcends life. This particular video uses Ghost which is a film about a love that reaches beyond death.

Romantic flowers:
Pick me a bouquet of sunflowers or any wildflowers from along a road or in a meadow. Nothing has more meaning, certainly not a bouquet of hothouse roses. And if he just came in from the field with them, well that's at the top of my romantic list.

Romantic places:
The Oregon Coast in a storm, a small motel (ideally with a fireplace) and a view of the churning surf. Or how about a campfire and tent high in the mountains with a stream nearby?

Romantic books:
I had to think about this one for awhile. These days I don't read many romantic novels; but reaching back in time, it'd be Bond of Blood by Roberta Gellis. It's an historic romance about a man who had never learned to love and the woman who taught him.

I read this book when I was in my 20s and loved it so much that I wanted my own copy. It was not in print at the time. I thought about pretending to the library that I had lost it, pay for it, and keep it. I knew I'd never really enjoy it if I got it that way. I went looking for the author's address (not easy in the days before Internet), contacted her with my desire to purchase her book, and as luck would have it, she had some that hadn't sold (a bit musty from being in her garage) sold them to me (at a very good price) with her signature no less. A few years later those first two came out again in paperback with more following. Maybe my letter encouraged her to write more. Who knows but I read many more by her after that first one-- none were better.

Romantic poems:
There are many that make me catch my breath. I thought of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's 'How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.' That's very romantic but it doesn't make me cry. My criteria for what is romantic apparently is does it make me tear up? This one does it:

Walk Slowly

If you should go before me, dear, walk slowly
Down the ways of death, well-worn and wide,
For I would want to overtake you quickly
And seek the journey's ending by your side.

I would be so forlorn not to descry you
Down some shining highroad when I came;
Walk slowly dear, and often look behind you
And pause to hear if someone calls your name.
Adelaide Love

['Walk Slowly' is in The Best Loved Poems of the American People, one of the first books I bought as a young married woman, and for me still a standard where it comes to popular poetic anthologies.]


  1. The poem Walk Slowly makes me tear up, too. It's beautiful and poignant.

    Thank you for printing it, Rain.

    The video fits your name.

  2. I so agree Rain - Valentine's Day can be any old day. I remember how devastated I felt on the first V Day (3 months to the day Tom died) I was angry for sure. Romance - ahh, it never goes out of style. Thanks for the post as always.

  3. What a thoughtful and thought-provoking post!

    As a single older woman, Valentine's leaves me a bit bereft. However, I won't date just for the sake of dating. I'd rather be alone and lonely than be in a relationship where I feel alone and lonely. Been there; done that too many times.

    Love the films and poetry!

  4. You are so right.
    "Constructed be good days" is far a way from real life and natural feelings.

    A Romantic Fool Moon, is not romantic, if the persons in matter do not have the "bubble-feeling" mutual.
    And still have it months and years after.

    Then we can talk about real romance and love.

    hehe, I've been in love in Oregon (Portland) and had a very romantic sunset and evening in Seaside.

    Last photo here:

  5. Lovely Post My Dear...
    I think I appreciate your Hobesty, more than anything Rain...."Romanyic Love"....I STILL need to believe in it and I am quite a bit older than you....! (lol)
    I have no Significant Other or Soul Mate Lover at this point in my life, but still,----I love Valentines Day for it's IDEA pf Love. You are right that it is GREAT for The Card/Candy/Flower people....But there is something hopeful about thinking that "love" is still possible...And I guess I love that idea!
