Monday, February 02, 2009

Quarter Moon

The quarter moon (obviously the one the cow jumped over) seems to often get lost in the sliver of a moon or full moon photos, but I really liked this shot from the week-end of the moon just before it waxed into a quarter moon. Being one of those lunar (no, not loony) persons, I am drawn to the moon and impacted by its phase in ways that sometimes amaze me.

In the part of Oregon where I live, photos of the moon are not a given as so often clouds or fog make them a challenge or impossible. This week-end had the needed cold, clear nights.

(Canon Rebel with the 400mm telephoto set on tripod)


  1. WONDERFUL Picture, Rain....I too am a Monn Child and I know exactly what you are sayimng about the "phases" and the "effect"....It is so wonderful to get a GOOD Picture of the Moon, at any stage, isn't it?

  2. Too often the quarter moon is ignored, but you captured it's beauty very well.

  3. That is a beautiful moon. Nice that the skies were so crisp and clear for you to get such a good shot.

  4. It is a really nice crisp shot and so beautiful! Glad you could see it! I got a glimpse of the moon a couple of nights ago, but didn't have the camera handy and I've never taken one at night -- got to find out about that next.

  5. Cool photo. We have had good air quality for good moon and star viewing lately too.

  6. I've been watching the moon when I walk Cookie. My camera just does not do moons well!

  7. We are so much alike! I am drawn to the moon in all phases, but I noticed the sliver of a waxing crescent with the planet Venus just over it's tip, right after sunset. GORGEOUS. ANd I have not seen a full moon in months!! that pesky fog!
