Friday, January 02, 2009

Unchained Melody

In my part of the Pacific Northwest, because of very heavy rains, there has been water water everywhere. (I guess you could drink it but I wouldn't suggest it.) Because I live on a creek, flooding is always a possibility when the conditions have been right. They predict, downstream from the farm, that local flood crest will come in the afternoon.

Currently the creek below my house sounds like a river and is just barely outside its banks. The closest it has ever gotten to the house has been to the edge of the driveway (the year of the sandbags), but it seems unlikely it'll come that close this week. Still definitely not the pretty season on the creek as the muddy water rushes past.

This is the season of long nights, of lots of hay for the cattle and sheep, of carrying in firewood to feed fires, of cats staring outside in disappointment or looking in the french door with their noses pressed against the glass-- like why did you let me out?

For me, this has always been the season for evaluating last year, fixing what I can fix, and devising plans to change what isn't working. It is a season where I look for inspiration many places and among them would be movies (more about them in the future) and music. Because I have the blog, it seemed a good time to look for videos to fit some of those songs that speak to my soul. YouTube is such a wonderful resource for creatively using music.

To begin, here is one for all those who have loved and had it work out and just as true for when it did not--


  1. There you are, probably only 600 miles north of us, with all the water you could ever use (and more), and we are looking at drought conditions and possible water rationing. I guess it's the outcome of La nina conditions and a world out of balance.

    I always loved Unchained Melody. Such a great song.

  2. Unchained Melody reminds me of the movie Ghost.Which I loved.

    Enya is great music for me to relax and just get my soul revitalised too.

    Good luck with the rains, hope it doesn't get worse for you


  3. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Stay safe Rain and think good thoughts !! I remain your admiring friend...:-)

  4. I think that after our recent go-round with the snow that I'll not complain about rain. At least not for awhile. Right now it looks pretty good although we do live well above the river so have no flooding worries. For whatever reasons the weather has been changing over the last few years and with it generally seeming to be colder it is hard to call it global warming.

  5. No rain here today, just fog. The mist rolls over in a mild wind. Big game yesterday ended as expected. Parade didn't have the 'wow effect' for some reason. Couldn't help thinking here we are in an economic slump, everyone complaining, government broke, people out of work, welfare growing, emergency rooms filling up, car makers bankrupt, stores going out of business, the cost of sending kids to college going off the map, newspapers failing, banks combining, and executives of mismanaged companies getting millions of dollars in bonus payments according to their contract, and baseball players signed for 50 times more per year than the President. A litany of woe to be sure - BUT - let's buy some flowers for a float? Who needs food anyway. Oh, to be up north in the woods with a stream and green plants and weeds and quiet. I envy you. A lot.


    PS Didn't Al Hibbler also have a terrific rendition of Unchained Melody>

  6. We had some heavy rains a while back...and some flooding from the Des Plaines river. Stay safe Rain.

    You just happen to pick one of my favorite songs of all time...I just love Unchained Melody...and especially that version of it.

    Happy New Year, peace and love to you always.... ~Joy

  7. I love this song!!!!! It's one of my all time favorites and always brings a tear.

  8. You're even gorgeous and sexy putting logs in your fire place, Rain.

    You know that old saying about doing something "God willin' and the creek don't rise?" That's what you are literally living right now.

  9. You're even gorgeous and sexy putting logs in your fire place, Rain.

    You know that old saying about doing something "God willin' and the creek don't rise?" That's what you are literally living right now.

  10. Stay dry, Rain, and I hope the creek doesn't rise any more.

    You can come to Tucson to dry out if you get more rain. Please bring some of that rain with you, though. We can always use it.

  11. HEART TO HEART --- Love and hugs dear Rain.

  12. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Taking a break to stop by and wish you a Happy New Year.
    Have always loved this song and I think that sequence in the movie Ghost when they played it was one of the most sensuous scenes I've ever seen.
