Wednesday, January 28, 2009

SRS Ahead

Spirit Restoration Site

Whenever I have the chance to finish off a Central Oregon vacation (or for that matter any vacation) on Oregon's Metolius River, I will take it. I first came here when I was in my late teens, brought my babies here, my grandchildren have come, and still it never loses its magic. The river bubbles mysteriously out of a spring a few miles from these photos, appearing full-sized. It is clear and cold-- winter or summer.

Camp Sherman has a small store, sometimes a seasonal restaurant, little church, school, post office (which also serves as library), some rental cabins, a fire hall, and assorted homes on forest service leases as well as some pockets of privately owned land where more houses do crop up but not enough to spoil the ambiance.

Some places advertise that they are vortexes, but with others, you just know it when you are there. If there are such places that have energy we can draw upon for healing and spiritual growth, the Metolius is one. It is a place where population and housing expansion (which some call progress) have been limited. It is for now still very natural with campgrounds and trails along the river. It is one of those places where money has not corrupted it-- not to say it hasn't tried, but the people who love it have fought to keep it as it is for future generations.

These photos are from the town of Sisters, Camp Sherman, Canyon Creek, Metolius River area,

and the drive home which crossed first the Santiam Pass, then turning toward Sweet Home, went over Tombstone Pass before dropping out of the mountains and leaving snow behind.


  1. It does look beautiful there, rain. A wonderful place to have as a multi-generational experience. I hope your children and grandchildren carry on the tradition, and the Metolius River stays magical for them as well.

  2. It would have been a good place for us all to meet except not easy to find large enough places to rent for the 10 of us. The kids do all come there or places like it. They are very into having their little ones grow up with outdoor experiences.

  3. Fabulous!!!! I can see why you love it so much!!

  4. The metolius is one of the wonders of Oregon. Love your photos.

  5. Beautiful scenery and I would love to visit there but only in summer. I'm sure it's equally lovely then.

  6. Oh, it is so beautiful! So glad you got to spend time there. Like robin andrea, I hope the Metolius River doesn't lose its magic. Beautiful photos as always!

  7. Yes, one of our favorite places also. We feel fortunate to be part owners of a forest service cabin along the Metolius. Like you said, there's a special feel to the area.

    I never tire of riding my bike to the store each morning to get a newspaper and soak up the convivial atmosphere that embraces locals and non-locals alike.

    The Metolius is one, or THE ONE, most beautiful river I've ever seen -- in part because its virtually constant flow allows wonderful "log islands" to grow wildflowers and other vegetation.

    And you have to love a town whose library is housed on a table and a couple of shelves in the charming post office. Drop off books and magazines; take what you like. A free-floating library with no rules.

  8. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Nice pics Rain especailly of you...:-)

  9. To me, as old as I am, I am always fascinated by winter pictures. I have been raised away from snowy conditions. What beautiful pictures Rain. They are whetting my appetite to come and experience the Metolius river and its small towns. We have spoken about this area over the years but I think this is the first time that I have seen winter pictures of the area.

  10. My God, it is BEAUTIFUL there...That last picture is a Knock-Out!!! I love the perspective of the trees and the skinny long long road....AND the snow!
    I see why yoi love it there so, Rain.....!

  11. Wow, how beautiful this place is, Rain. Thanks for sharing all the photos and I especially like the one of you!

  12. Hi Rain, how are you?
    Love your photos! They are beautiful as always.
    Have a nice weekend.

  13. That last shot was incredible...
