Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Herd satisfaction

Satisfaction in a herd requires
a good supply of food--
on a farm, that'd be hayIdeally it should appear
magically and not interfere
in a cow's day.
It should never not be there
and a cow knows how to let
ranchers know when it's not on time.

Add to it a little sunshine
preferably on a knoll
with time to chew cuds and
meditate on the meaning of life
(well they might, who knows)

It's even better with the new calf nearby
as mama does guard duty-- and she does.

Housekeeping Blog Note: I had liked a system I saw on other blogs called Blog List because it lets the reader know when fresh blogs have been posted and their titles. I finally got around to updating mine. If there is an easier way, I didn't find it and had to do each one individually. It was worth it though as it leaves me on my original page while able to read others and comment when I have something to say.

Unfortunately, I soon realized that not all blogs can be found by the system which made it appear as though they weren't writing something new when they were. The temporary fix, until I figure out why this happens, is going to be two blog lists and the second one has as many blogs that I enjoy reading as the first. I also have on the second list informational blogs.

I believe the blog list or roll is one of the neat features of blogger. I know many prefer the newer follower system; but when I visit blogs of those who have it, the follower list tells me nothing about who those followers are. Yes, I could probably click on it but that takes more time than I often have. I have found several interesting new blogs through Blog List threads from other people's blogs.

Blogs are about writing ourselves but also a network. For me, blog list makes that network easier to navigate.


  1. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Glad to see there are still some cowgirls and cowboys still around. Now I gotta go have a thick, juicy steak!!

  2. Good for you on the steak, Sara; and might I add, to all who enjoy beef, consider looking for local, small growers where the cattle are raised on grass and no chemicals. You can sometimes find them by stopping at a farm or calling a small packing house. Beef grown like ours is better for you, has the same benefits as salmon, less fat, and lets the animal lead a good life until it's over instantly. Some find the taste a little different, but it's worth getting used to it for the health benefits.

  3. I started using google reader with the subscribe button widget.

    Way easier... I was skeptical but am now a convert....

  4. I like to get grass fed beef from local farms when I can afford it, but sadly it's a lot more expensive than the next best thing. Sigh. Doesn't seem right, does it? Then again, I've never tried contacting the farms directly. There's a guy at the Farmers Market sometimes, but it's about $20 a lb, and I can't afford that. Sigh.

    Your pictures reminded me of a line from the movie/book "Dune" (one of my husband's FAVORITES) - "Moods are things for cattle, and love play." Um, I get the love play, but cattle?

  5. There is something to be said for raising your own beef ! We too raise our own organic beef. Since there is just the two of us and one fills a 20 foot freezer, we are able to supply our children with beef thus insuring that the Grans also eat good meat.Also the friends delight in a gift of a few packs all along.

  6. You should try that as we sell ours at auction price (which you can find in your area online) plus the cost of the mobile slaughter unit, cutting and wrapping. It ends up cheaper than most you could buy in the store, but we sell the animal itself by quarters and halves which means people need a freezer although some get together and buy a quarter. People though decide how they want their beef cut up and notify the packing plant with the preference of say more steaks and roasts or hamburger, etc.

  7. Love the pictures! Made me want to lay down and chew my cud -- if I had one.

  8. Gotta have local beef. Love the photos.

  9. Hmmm. Very interesting about the blog list or roll. I've never done that and I'm so exhausted from posting the SoulCollage cards that I probably won't research this soon.

    Herd satisfaction parallels our own satisfaction, I guess.

  10. I just read from MY FAVORITES List. When I find a blog I like I bookmark it, and go from there, That is why my blog roll is so outdated! I should get with the program and update everything, But I hardly ever have time lately to sit at the computer!
