Saturday, January 31, 2009

Creature from Jekyll Island

Although I hadn't planned to keep writing on this topic of our economic mess, I had this audio CD that a friend of mine, Kay from Kay's Thinking Cap, had mailed me. It is from a lecture in 1994 by G. Edward Griffin about his book Creature from Jekyll Island. I had put off listening to it because this week I was feeling depressed and having nightmares anyway and didn't want to add more bad news to them. Then as things lightened for me, Friday night seemed a good time for Farm Boss and I to sit down and listen.

Some of it was what I knew because of Zeitgeist, which I have written about before here; but some was new and I think well worth, given our situation today, for those who have any interest at all in what is going on, to listen and in my case find the book.

Most of us are so ignorant about economics and it serves a certain group well that we stay that way. We think everything that is happening is without a plan. That it benefits nobody but just is life...

Take some time (this impacts any country in the world) and listen to the audio of this lecture and then think about it again. I will look for the book now as where it's not good news, I think it's important to at least consider what he is saying:



  1. Clicked-
    "Not found, Error 404"

  2. I am having a lot of problems with blogger since mozilla updated. I tried again to make that URL work in the body of the text but in case it does not, hopefully it will work here: Creature from Jekyll Island. I can work with explorer in here but when I work with mozilla, I have to use html and I don't always get it right...

  3. I sent it because of our phone discussions, Rain, and I knew that you would be interested because of how often our minds work together. If anyone is interested it the DVD, they can check eBay where they can get it for 99 cents plus shipping.

    It really is an eye-opener.
