Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Forming a government

I have to admit I think it's humorous listening to Republican pundits, like Dick Morris, tell those of us who supported Obama how disappointed we have been in his picking Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State; then they add that we expect results right away. Oh and how we don't like that he's picking insiders to run various offices like Tom Daschle to be Secretary of Health and Human Resources. We are so upset that Obama is picking experienced people. We loyal democrats want amateurs on his team. We want him to be soft and gentle, prepared to fail because it's the democratic way.... NOT!

The upset people are those who hoped he'd pick outsiders with no clue how to get anything done. They are the ones who never understood he wasn't as far left as they hoped. To them, if he brought in a lot of people who didn't know Washington, didn't know their jobs, these pundits, who did everything to block his election, would have every hope he would fail, something they clearly want because for them it's all about their power, not about what is best for Americans.

Then they pontificate on how he has no mandate for fixing things like health care (the money's been promised to bankers). Of course, Bush had a mandate even the year he actually lost the popular vote, but Obama winning more than a majority of Americans has none.

It is obvious Obama worries a lot what these pundits think. You can see how upset he is as he steadily makes powerful choices for his cabinet, like Bill Richardson for Commerce, a position that is more important now than ever before. He is choosing those who will help him form a new government and a new direction.

To me, if we trusted Obama enough to give him our vote (which these knowing pundits did not), we then will trust him to get the people who will help him do what he promised. I don't care who he picks and that would have included McCain if that's who he thought he needed. This is about him being a leader who gathers an administration, who can work with him, to do the job he committed to do.

AND he never said he'd get it all done right away. He has made it clear all along that it'll be tough and take awhile. There will be sacrifices. Anybody laying out an expectation of instant results didn't vote for him to begin.

It is a huge job to create a government that can turn the country around. He makes it clear every day that he knew what he was taking on. He's setting about to lay the foundation to make it happen. We should wait to see what he does before we second-guess who he has chosen to help him do it.

The Dick Morrises of the world are hoping to do what they can to see him fail. Our support and encouragement will help him to succeed. We have a lot more at stake than our votes. If we are truly heading for a depression, we needed a strong leader and a people who will stand behind him. The easy choices have been passed up years ago.


  1. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Obama faces a lot of serious challenges...Hopefully his advisors and cabinet can make a difference in the way that he addresses the economy, terrorism et cetera...

  2. I think you're right about Obama's approach, but I don't like Clinton as Secretary of State.

  3. I'm not surprised that Dick Morris would be critical of Obama's choices. If he weren't I'd be worried. And so far, I don't think he's chosen too badly. I'm with AQ, I'm not completely happy with Hillary as Secretary of State.

  4. So far I am pretty happy with his picks. Nor sure what to think of the Hillary pick. I think she will do a decent job. But part of me wishes the Clinton's would just go away. Richardson is a terrific pick. I have always liked him and he is more conservative than some republicans. Not too fond of the Daschle pick. That has to be my least favorite so far. The guy did and said a lot of things that I did not like when he was in office.

  5. Have to agree with AQ and Kay, I'm not too happy with Hillary either, but guess we'll just have to see where it goes.

  6. As Richardson says Hillary and other nominations for the cabinet never were rivals but were opponents. Opponents take opposite positions. Rivals are more sharp edged and competitive.
    To me there is nothing but speculation for us because with the early announcements there is a period of time when we can't see how they will function. I am very encouraged that the pols show most believe Obama is doing well setting up his cabinet.

  7. I don't feel comfortable with Hillary and wonder if Richardson isn't far better qualified for the position of Secretary of State. But I guess I'll just have to figure that he knows best what and why he is doing what he is doing. He sure isn't just bringing in friends and cronies that are not at all qualified.

  8. Anonymous2:53 AM

    Bravo! I couldn't agree with you more. Well said and thanks.
