Saturday, November 08, 2008

Pros and Cons

During the election season, I got some news nobody wants to hear from a loved one as I heard my little brother telling me he had prostate cancer. They had caught it early, but it was the virulent kind; so he was facing chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. It had not spread to his bones which was encouraging. The chemo and radiation were to make sure it didn't when they operate which will be in January. He had a very positive attitude toward it all, but I was shaking at the idea that my baby brother would suffer or maybe worse. I am the oldest. I am supposed to die first and I reminded him of that!

I didn't write about this at the time because I was still processing it, plus I don't write much about my family as a general rule. I knew when he had surgery I would mention it and ask for those who would be willing to send energy because I believe in that.

This week I talked to him, and he sounds good after two weeks of chemo and radiation. I guess they do a lighter dose of that when it's prostate. When they complete the chem/radiation part, they will give him a few weeks to build back up before they do the surgery. It will then require taking two months off from his work.

When I decided to write about this for the blog was when I thought about how many men, over the age of 50, might skip that PSA blood test. It has some controversy attached to it: PSA pros and cons; but if my brother had not been regularly having the blood work, he would have died from the type of prostate cancer he has. Some kinds can sit there and you live out your life with them, but others will kill you. He had the second kind.

When he and I talked this week, we also talked about how fortunate he was to be a veteran. It's why he had that test. It's why he can afford the treatment. Even if he'd had regular health care insurance, it might not have covered all he is facing. My brother is a self-employed mechanic with his own garage. He works all the time. there is no vacation pay. He makes a living wage, but it's not enough to put much aside.

With medical costs as they are today, the terrible part would have been maybe we couldn't have afforded it all for him either. The idea that someone would have a treatable problem but either have to lose their home to pay for it or maybe die because the treatment was too costly, it's just not right. There have to be solutions. I don't know the answers, but I do know that people all across the country have faced or will face something that could take everything they have if they are not very well insured.

My brother asked the doctor why he had gotten prostate cancer. Could it be something he had done? The answer was one in three men will get it in their lifetime. It might have been hereditary and our father may have died before it evidenced itself. Once you have symptoms, your chances of survival are reduced.

So I am writing this to encourage men over the age of 50 to research for themselves the PSA test (link above); and if they see it as good, don't put off having it yearly. It could make the difference between life and death. Women know about the mammograms and most of us do them and they aren't fun either. Both strike at fears we all have about losing our sexual life, but fear isn't a good reason to put things off.

My brother has a good chance to beat this. He has a good attitude toward it. He is fortunate to be a veteran and where he has received excellent care. It is a powerful reminder to be regularly taking care of the tests that can make the difference between life and a sooner death than expected.

Also the US health care system only seems okay if you think you have a good job and excellent coverage. That can all change in an instant especially in this economy. I don't know the answers to it as I realize how expensive it will be to fix, how much howling there will be if anybody tries to put a brake on the costs, but something has to change. I have heard of too many people who were bankrupted by a treatable problem, but they were either under insured, lost their insurance, or never could afford it to begin.

Health care isn't a partisan problem. It's a humanitarian one.


  1. I have your brother in my prayers. He is blessed that you and Farm Boss are there for him.

    I know about no or borderline insurance. I've been there and it's hell. My next trick is that now I have better coverage, I need to find a better group of doctors to care for me.

    People are dying daily in this country of lack of proper health care and that is a sin in this great country.

  2. Your last sentence sums it all up perfectly, let's hope this country does something positive in that area in the next eight years. You and your brother are very brave and I'm so glad you have each other for support. I have been and will continue to hold good thoughts for you.

  3. I am so glad you posted this, rain. It's important for so many reasons, and as most often the case the personal is political. It is a relief to know that your brother has reliable health insurance so he doesn't have to add that burden on top of the issues he is facing. I send him my deepest best wishes for his full and complete recovery. Please I hope you will keep us posted.

  4. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Health care is a privelege, NOT a right.
    You think our deficit is bad now? Universal health care would explode it, money spent in Iraq would pale in comparison. Besides, do you want the government telling you what doctor you will see? Do you want your health care managed like the postal service? LOL.
    The truth is, most people are too lazy to exercise, and spend too much money on alcohol and cigs when they could be putting money away for their own health.
    So why should you and I pay for it?

  5. Liz, you just gave me ammunition for a post. Thinking like yours is what has kept us as the only industrialized nation without national health insurance. By the way, you ARE paying for it now. We spend more per-capita on health care now than any other country and get less for it. By the way, why is it a right for the Administration and government workers to have health care at the taxpayer's expense and not for a child?

  6. Keeping a good thought for your brother. Had my surgery three years ago today.

  7. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Health care is everyones right!! I live in Canada and everyone has healthcare... you have it no matter how poor you are. In fact we do not have a choice in the matter everyone is required to have it. If your income is low or non existent the government will kick in and pay part of all of your premiums every month according to your income. And Liz the gov. does not tell you which Dr. to see.
    I feel very bad for you Americans who are unable to afford health care or are bankrupted by medical bills, it's a terrible situation in such a great progressive country.
    Maybe you can prevail upon your new president to do something about it. I'm not saying we have the perfect solution but you never have to worry about not being able to afford to see a Dr. or getting tests or surgery done.

  8. You are so right. Health care in this country should be a right of every citizen. It is breaking the backbone of our very society. If you get very sick, your insurance drops you like a hot potato. So really, we are all in peril of this happening. It is a sad fact that should be faced. My husband is a doctor at a state hospital. And he encourages socialism because he knows what goes on everyday. The insurance companies are so powerful I think even the government fears them now.

  9. Health care is a big problem and pretty much everyone here has expressed viewpoints that people have including the doubts. Those Americans who have good insurance, who have the VA, are in government work, mostly don't realize how bad it can be.

    One young woman faced her mother needing surgery for breast cancer. The mother did not have insurance. The hospital put pressure on the daughter to sign for her mother's bills. She felt fear that her mom would receive no care if she did not; so she signed. Now she, who makes a living wage but not much above is facing bills she can't possibly pay, and still take care of her kids. Her mom died.

    Then there was this in another blog which tells how it goes for the uninsured or even you if you lose your job: from Thinking About.

    The only way the country can pay for health insurance for the un- or under insured is if we can control the costs. When Congress and the president offered a drug benefit for seniors in medicare, they wouldn't allow medicare to bargain for better costs. Who do you think benefits from that?

    Whatever is done, it won't be easy and it's not going to make everybody happy no matter what happens. If we go to insurance for all with no restrictions, no limitations, it will indeed take us deeper into debt and how deep can we afford to go given where we are now? Still $700 billion went to bail out banks and investors... Is that as important as health?

  10. And thank you all for the good wishes for my brother. I believe in that kind of energy helping

  11. Rain, I will have your brother in my thoughts...and I hope for the best as far as his insurance goes. I surely know the angst that alone can be. I've been praying for a long time now that our government will be able really address this properly with the right president in place....I have hope now...even if it all can't be done by tomorrow.

  12. Anonymous4:14 PM

    I was sorry to hear about your brother, Rain. But I have to agree....the PSA is VERY important and catching it early can give a very good prognosis. Just as important is that good attitude of his! I've seen it a million times in my nursing career. Way too many times for me to dismiss how a good attitude helps tremendously in the healing process. Sending bushels of positive energy to pass on to your brother. And do keep us posted.

  13. I have your brother in my thoughts and will send positive energy. Much needs to improve in our medical systems. There isn't enough doctors here. With my first medical issue in years, I have been waiting months. It would be horrific if my condition was really serious. Settling my insurance claims has been made complex by the fact that our company is not in my doctor's computer listed properly. It is my hope that whoever designs universal coverage makes the system user friendly. It would save a great deal in medical costs to have a functional system.

  14. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Free gas! Free mortgage!

  15. I saw that video before. As I have said, there will be people on the right and the left who won't like what Obama does. There would have been those who would be misinformed on what McCain would have done also. That's life

  16. So sorry to read that your brother is going through this...I will send energy, now, too...because I believe in this as well.

    You are so right to urge men to have this test, as that becomes a 'baseline' and then each year they can see if there are changes or not.
    Our Health care system is SOOO truly Horrid....I was talking to a good friend today who has been sent to an Internist who has never met him and who will give him 5 minutes! HELLO? FIVE MINUTES???? He said to me he doesn't even know where to begin with this doctor...So many things are bothering him. Something is so screwed up and wrong with this HMO System....Oh, and when I said to my friend, HOW can the doctor possibly even begin to deal with everything in five feiend said, that he heard that sometimes, because it is your FIRST Visit, they give you 12 minutes!!! OY!
    Thank God your brother is a Veteran, as you said.

  17. So MANY of my male friends have either had it or Prostrate trouble. But everyone of those that had it, survived it! It is so critical to get that PSA TEST done!!!

  18. Anonymous5:26 PM

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