Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hillary for Secretary of State?

Since I did not favor the idea of Hillary Clinton for president nor vice-president, it might seem I'd not like her to be named Secretary of State. Actually, since Obama won the nomination, one of my truths has been thinking Hillary Clinton would make an excellent Secretary of State-- if it suited her career goals. Is there a possible downside to it? There usually is with moves that aren't totally safe and in the current world situation, would a safe choice be safe?

On the positive side: she showed guts last year whether a person agreed with her politically. She did all she could to win and was an admirable adversary, toughening up Obama in ways he probably needed. In the primary, she was chosen by almost half the Democrats and recent polls say she'd have had more votes in the presidential race against McCain than Obama (I take that with a grain of salt).

Clinton is another of those fascinating characters that it isn't easy to pin down with a label. She was a wife who put up with a philandering husband. Was it great love? Had they worked out a partnership more like friends or brother and sister? She is not a lady to spill her inner secrets.

Through her entire time in public office, Hillary has been a controversial figure but can anyone deny how hard she campaigned for Obama this fall? She was really out there for him and it looked like she enjoyed herself, that she was freed by her hard campaign to be who she is. Perhaps she found herself during those months. It looked like she and Obama had a working rapport that could serve well in the next four years.

Obama has shown, by his choice of a wife, that he is not intimidated by powerful women. Hillary certainly is that. She has grown into a woman to respect, a woman who has moved beyond the shadow of her husband.

She has status in the world which would serve her well as a Secretary of State. I don't know if she's a great organizer of people (campaign didn't show it), which could be a problem in running the State Department; still, she is a hard worker and knows the leaders, countries.

If she is asked and says yes, between her, Biden and Obama, with Obama having the final say, the United States would have a powerful triumvirate. I like the idea that he's not wanting just yes people around him. I see the three of them with great potential for leading our country into a world where our nation has lost prestige and where there are so many dangers ahead.

One criticism of her has been that she voted for the Iraq war and never admitted her mistake. First of all, the Secretary of State does what the president says (or quits), but also she voted to give Bush bargaining power. Bush misused that power. I don't think she would have favored fighting a war in Iraq if she had had the say-- although my uncertainty on that is why I didn't want her for president.

My favorite, when I didn't know that Obama would seriously consider asking her, was Bill Richardson, who I still think would be good. I also think he's not as strong a choice as Hillary would be.

If Obama does pick a cabinet of rivals, as Abraham Lincoln described, of people who have their own power, and he's not intimidated by their power, I say it is to his and our good.


  1. Yes, Rain
    Today I completely agree with you. I think Obama brings out the best in the people he surrounds himself with. He is very strongly organized and clear in his purposes, methods and goals. Thus he will do well with a team of people with experience and vocal personal convictions.

  2. And I agree with both of you. I've never been a Hillary fan, but I think, like parapluie, that Obama seems to have a real knack for surrounding himself with a variety of people and he does seem to bring out the best in all of them.

  3. I am not sure if I like Hillary for Secretary of State, but I do think she would be good in a position where we need somebody to kick ass and take names. I am thinking UN ambassador or Intelligence Czar or maybe even Homeland Security.

  4. I'm not sure about Secretary of State either but you have put forth an excellent case here. I do agree that she could make a difference as a cabinet member.

  5. I think that Hillary's Senate job is pretty much a dead end as she doesn't have seniority. Therefore, I think she would accept the job if it was offered. Her familiarity of the world leaders would be a great asset.

    The fly in the ointment is Bill. Because of conflict of interest he would have to give up much of what he has been working on and that would be difficult for him.

  6. I was surprised by the choice of Hillary. I think she would be good. If you could keep Bill on a short enough leash he could be very helpful. It's a risky choice but it may pay off.

    I think the Clintons are looking for a way to restore themselves in politics. Bill has some work to do and this might be the place, if he can be a good boy. He's brilliant but risky. They're a set, you don't get one without the other. He stayed out of the Senate but this one's too big. He won't stay out of this one. He might be just the person for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict resolution.

    She couldn't manage her campaign staff but perhaps she learned some lessons from that experience.

    She will also have Madaline Albright's total support.

  7. Although I've never particularly been a Hillary fan, I actually think she would be a good choice in this case. I think Obama has a clear purpose and goal and I think they would work well together. She has great experience with world leaders and I think she would probably except this position if it were offered to her.

  8. I agree with you, too, Rain. It will be interesting to see what happens.

  9. Anonymous8:18 AM

    I strongly feel that Obama is choosing the best and the brightest to surround himself. And I can't help but wonder what Bush and his cronies think of this. Look at the press coverage Obama has already gotten these past couple weeks, making decisions, going forward, reassuring the American people. Something the Bush Adm. didn't do in the entire 8 years. This Adm. is totally transparent.
    As for Hillary...I feel the same about her as you do. My choice from Day One was Obama, however, I admire and respect Hillary. She's a bright and intelligent woman. I think she'd be a great Sec. of State....but.....does she really want to give up her clout as a Senator? Hmm....possibly. Especially if she's thinking of running for Pres. someday. So it should be interesting, but I'd be extremely happy having her as our Sec. of State.

  10. Anonymous8:20 AM clarify! I meant to say.....this NEW Administration coming IN is totally transparent.
