Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fall on the Farm

Farm autumn colors from right before the first heavy rains that came to strip the leaves, leaving the branches bare. Fall, perhaps more than any other season is such a reminder of how our own life is also part of the seasons. Winter is just around the bend.


  1. Beautiful photos! Ah, yes, it does remind one of winter's approach whether nature or human. And for some of us -- winter is here already!

  2. The lighting and colors in your valley are awesome. I enjoyed clicking and enlarging your photos.

  3. Lovely!!!! I think we skipped fall. We've had snow every day this week -- not a lot but enough to remind me it's winter.

  4. So beautiful, Rain. I heard on the news that it was raining in Portland and Seattle so I guess it is raining by you, too.
