Do you realize that since she isn't going to keep the clothes-- at least that's what they said once this came out-- what we have is a woman made up and dressed to look a certain way but who is wearing a mask. In short, a fraud. To look like middle America, she had to go to high end department stores and get herself fixed up to the tune of $150,000? You are kidding me. I wish.
Some tax experts are saying she will have to pay taxes on the clothing anyway as even if she donates it, the clothing was purchased for her use. Even if it was a rental, there is a value, but it's not really that big a deal to me whatever the case but more that the far right would show so much hypocrisy with their we-are-all-for-the-working-class while they are anything but.
Palin is given words to say that she doesn't understand, can't expound on (unless they are part of her religious dogma and even then I would hazard a guess she doesn't really understand. She just follows the dogma), and that's what Republicans might just elect as our next president if something happens to John McCain.
What makes me find this humorous (I have to laugh now because if this woman should end up our next Vice President, I won't be laughing at all), is the hypocrisy involved and how it works. Why does it work? Is it that easy to fool people?
There has been considerable defense of Sarah Palin not being ill-equipped to be president. Of course, she has the intelligence to be president. Except she doesn't have a clue what Vice Presidents even do. It says president of the Senate. How was I supposed to know that didn't mean in charge of it? If they had paid that $150,000 for tutoring, that would have made sense.
David Brooks went into Sarah Palin's lack of experience with some thoughtful commentary: David Brooks. Over and over we hear Republicans who want to see a Republican as president saying not this one, not this time and a lot of it is this woman. A woman that apparently the women in say Appalachia have embraced as one of their own. This world just gets weirder and weirder. I feel like Alice going down the rabbit hole. Could it get more bizarre?
Why did McCain pick her? Why did he go for letting her be dressed up like an expensive Barbie doll? What makes those Republicans who think they want an average person running things, like the idea of this woman wearing designer dresses that cost more than they make in a year paid for by their donations to the Republican party?
Remember when McCain ran the ad comparing Obama's charisma to that of Britney Spears or Paris Hilton? Who knew back then that whatever McCain says is the opposite of what he means. In reality, he did want a Britney or Paris on the ticket with him and he got one. You didn't think it was cheap to dress one of those did you?
The argument has been used by Republicans that Obama has had no experience (in DC) and therefore was not qualified to run the country. That was until the Republicans decided experience was actually unneeded if it's one of their own with charisma.
Charisma is bad unless it's in your own party?
The photo was taken yesterday while the
Sarah Six Pack will bring McCain down in the end.
ReplyDeleteThis whole thing gets more bizarre every day. Has our collective intelligence dropped so low that the GOP can get away with this crap? Never mind.
ReplyDeleteI'm poor and friends joke that I'm the best dressed poor girl in town -- I do it by careful shopping. And if at 45, Sarah needs someone to teach her how to dress and do her hair, she isn't fit to run this country. And they call Democrats spendthrifts . . . Sigh.
Todays news in Mumbai, on TV featured , besides the stockmarket downturns, recessions, natural calamities and the like, an additional item at the end. Sarah Palin and the money expended by her party to make her look,"good".
ReplyDeleteI have an elderly houseguest in her eighties, who heard it all, and asked, "What kind of a party spends so much money on looks, and doesnt bother with whats in the head ?"
A bit drastic, that. But thought it worth mentioning.
I have to agree with not only everything that Rain says, but Kay as well!
ReplyDeleteI didn't want to believe that so many people in this country are actually this stupid, naive. I dress well considering how little money I have and I get the same comments Kay does and where do I do my shopping? Goodwill and Value Village. Try it out, Palin! You could help save the country a lot of money.
I don't pretend to know John McCain these days. I don't think anyone does.
ReplyDeleteAmong the many things that bug me about Palin is her total lack of respect for the positions of our government and the people holding those positions. I was appalled when she charged on stage for the VP debate and said to Joe Biden "May I call you Joe."
John McCain likes his women to be beautiful, quiet and submissive. She fails on two of those points. It's clear she sees herself in charge with part of her job being to take care of the old man while she transforms government.
Her lack of respect is appalling.
I don't understand why the RNC needed to buy the clothes at all. The Palin's made $250,000 last year, couldn't she afford her own wardrobe? Is it that her own style is offensive? I remember when I was applying for jobs, years ago, someone once said this to me: Beware of jobs that require you to change your wardrobe. You won't be happy in them.
ReplyDeleteI think if the McCain/Palin ticket actually pull out a win here, I'm going to go a little bit crazy.
This morning I was reading someone's article that she is really a con(wo)man. She took per diem from the Alaskans to sleep in her own bed instead of staying in the governor's mansion. She got rid of the plane for the government (at a loss) then charged the state every time her family flew with her anywhere.
ReplyDeleteThere are questions about their family mansion on the lake in Wasilla-- Did Wasilla contractor pay for Palin home?. Not to say at $250,000 a year combined incomes, they couldn't afford a nice home, but there won't be time to look into it (and that stadium has Wasilla still in massive debt), but she might eventually face the same problems Ted Stevens has. This lady has taken what she can get. The clothes were just more of the same.
A lot of political wives get good deals on clothing because of who they are. Designers get the publicity and the celebrity or politicians get a bargain, but the problem here is the amount, who funded it, and most of all the hypocrisy of running as a woman of working people... yeah right.
At least those of you who vote for her, do know what you are getting *s*
I can't understand how she could have spent that much money on clothes. Wasn't there talk earlier about keeping this campaign civil? About all I seem to hear anymore from either side is talk about how bad the other side is. Only 12 more days to go and I can't wait for it to be over.
ReplyDeleteNow, I think I'll go flying. That is my way to unwind although I also have a lot of DVD movies that I've never watched. Maybe I'll do some of that, too.
It really is ALL madness! And then this Republican Right Wing ***hole says something horrendous today about Obama taking a private plane to see his granny....OY! The Republicans seem to have a double standard for everrything. Whstever THEY do is alright. Whatever the Democrats do, particularly Obama, is all wrong. $150,000 for clothes is OUTRAGEOUS, no matter how you try to pretend it is nothing! And they all seem to be in HEAVY denial about Sarah Palin and her so called "Qualifications". I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS TO BE OVER!
ReplyDeleteA tip on leaving comments. Insulting people here will end up with the comment being rejected. It really is possible to say what you believe without being nasty. If you want to be nasty, find another blog because this one is about respectful ideas. about NASTY...go back and read everything you have written about ANY republican.
ReplyDeleteYou libs...such hypocrites!
First of all, Liz, it's my blog... You know the old saying about them that has the gold makes the rules. If you want your own blog, you can have one and then say anything that pleases you. What caused me to reject your comment was when you called us all stupid. I thought about editing that part out for you but that's not really fair. You can resubmit it with that omitted and I will put it in. I just don't want insults and you are not the only one who does them.
ReplyDeleteAs to whether you will be laughing on election day, possibly... the real question is how funny it'll seem later with those two in leadership but hey I just saw 8 years of Bush and so I believe anything is possible for election results-- whether they make sense to me or not.
I don't mind disagreement. I mind insults and I have not personally insulted you but then again, if I did, it's my blog. I just happen to believe insulting ends conversations. I would rather have meaningful discourses... Incidentally, you don't know any of us well enough to know if we are actually stupid. It's kind of a kid thing to say.
I tried to post this yesterday, but got a "blogger is down" message, but I was able to post on my own blog so who knows.
ReplyDeleteugich, this is America where looking good is more important than being good. It has been that way since the 1950's when they started televising political debates.
I agree that $150k is a lot to spend on clothes and makeovers for Sarah and her children. But I am wondering why this is suddenly news. Why were there no stories on how much was spent trying to spruce up Hillary for her run. She looked like she had surgical alteration to try and make her look better. I guess Liberal Talk TV only picks on Republicans. Or maybe they are jealous of a pretty woman that has a career and a family.
Ingineer, it's the hypocrisy. Can't you see that in saying she's one of the people, just a regular gal, you betcha, while buying all this expensive clothing, having her make up and hair done at the most costly expense of the campaign. Why run her as a regular gal, fake accent and all, if they want to dress her up like a movie star?
ReplyDeleteAnd then McCain... charisma is bad. Obama is getting big crowds and that's like Paris and Britney except he's a bright guy who can out expound McCain and got considerably better grades than he got but McCain picks a woman who is only charisma for his veep. Don't you see that?
And this religion thing, I have yet to write about it, but I will and abortion and gay marriage which Palin has made her views strong about and they aren't McCain's. For her, it's all about when she runs for president if she doesn't get it by his death.
Just remember one thing, when you vote for him, you could be giving her the presidency in January!
And where did you get the idea that going back to the tax rate of 2000 for people have net income of over $250,000 is revenge? Where do you get that thinking? Fox? Rush? That's crazy talk as it's about paying our bills and deciding who will hurt the economy less if they pay some more. If Obama increased taxes on the middle class, it'd further hurt the economy and not just ours but apparently worldwide. He is trying to make this work that we pay our bills but we don't stifle the economy doing it. McCain's plans have no logic and won't help anybody poor or rich. You know the rich businesses actually benefit when the middle class can afford to buy things.
I have a blog coming up on Saturday about why Obama. Be sure you read that and watch some of the videos along with it!
Yeah, I got a chuckle out of her wardrobe costs as well. And I SO agree the money would have been much better spent on TUTORING her! IMAGINE...she told a group of high school kids last week that one of the jobs of a VP is to be in charge of the Senate. I almost choked on that Rodeo Drive vs Walmart.......good ole Hockey Mom chose the first one.
That is correct Teri. The VP is the President of the Senate, so she got that correct. Unlike Biden who did not even know what part of the Constitution deals with the VP and he has been a Senator since the 1973?!
ReplyDeleteingineer, you actually think the vice president presides over the senate as in helps make laws? Works with the senators to govern? Does something other than open it and vote in case of a tie? Are you kidding? As for whether you know in what part of the Constitution the exact words are, isn't it more important that you understand what they mean?
ReplyDeleteYou like Palin. Fine that's your right and to vote for the possibility she might end up president; if that happens, you will find out if you were right. After all, you likely voted for bush and look how well that has worked out.
To me Palin is a disaster, a religious zealot who will make things worse in this country than they have been under Bush. If McCain survives long enough to be president for awhile, he'll do the same. There is no way McCain is suited temperamentally to be president but at least he didn't used to be a religious nut but that might be changing. Anything to win, huh?
Incidentally, this is the YouTube where Biden explained what he thinks vice presidents do. Obviously every president will have different ideas; but if you use the ones Biden mentions, do you sincerely believe Palin could go to Congress and get the senators to sit down and talk over laws or funding? She talks about being a maverick. They don't work with anybody.
ReplyDeleteShe can't talk to anybody but right wing media without fumbling over her words now. Would she be the one McCain would go to for advice? Assuming she doesn't end up president, which is assuming a lot, she won't be his right hand person and you know it. It'll be Lieberman or someone like that. Palin isn't remotely equipped to advise anybody on anything and given her religious ideas, she wouldn't even think she should. She would think she should dictate.
Funny you mention fumbling over words and Biden in the same paragraph. He is the king of fumbling over words. And now will not even give interviews to some TV stations because they ask too tough questions for him to answer.
ReplyDeleteYou must listen to a lot of fox and right wing radio types to get that take on the Biden interview that ended up with the woman not getting an interview with his wife that had been scheduled. I saw it all and hope you did too. Biden did good but that 'reporter' was unreal.
ReplyDeleteAt the time I thought it was like a tape made to hope to get a commentator spot on Fox. At one point, she askedif Obama was a Marixt. Biden laughed in disbelief and said was that a question. The same reporter had given a soft ball interview with McCain (who btw has banned many big name reporters from his campaign planes). It turns out, there was a reason this woman was so zealous in trying to get Biden to say Obama would give the nation away and finally admit his real goal is to take all of everybody's money and give it away. Her husband is a Republican strategist. She wasn't after news. She was aftar a gotcha.
The lady got her moment in the sun and would be perfect for fox where all they care about is slamming democrats. She will likely get a position there. Nobody but a right wing Republican would like listening to her. Those who like that kind of news stick to where they can get it.
I used the wrong word to describe what I meant with Palin. It's not that she says the wrong word for something but that she never says anything but repeats it over and over. She is sure she knows the answers. No fumbling, no thinking but right on with repeating the same thing over and over that says nothing. Unless it's an attack of Obama or a lie, that's pretty much how she operates. Lies like she built the pipeline in Alaska when nobody else could, the pipeline that likely will never be built, those she has no problem with. She has made it clear she only likes one part of the country, one kind of people and they applaud her. I guess Romeny is starting to move forward now to be sure she does not get what she is hoping to get-- which is the new head of the Republican party.
I watched her kick McCain under the bus the other day while she said she never wanted all those clothes, that she didn't need them (making what he said a lie) and she was going to wear her clothes from now on.
And yes, she was wearing an unattractive pink suit jacket which doubtless was one of hers. She still looked beautiful. A beautiful woman can wear anything and look good. I didn't notice if she had her make up artist still with her :) but her hair did look like less extensions and hairpieces; so maybe she is doing it all herself now. Frankly that hairstyle she had for awhile there didn't do her any favors. Extensions almost always look phony and hers looked like a wig.
You keep laughing over this and when you vote for McCain, just remember if he wins, you might get her as president. Hope you been paying attention to what that will mean!