Monday, October 20, 2008

Obama knew it was coming all along

Moderator, Bob Schieffer, asked Wednesday night about the tenor of the campaigns. How do you feel about the fairness of your own campaign? McCain ignored the question where it came to his responsibility and used it as a way to again reproach Obama.

This summer, Obama had predicted what the other side would say; and when he did, they put him down for it. They said he was interjecting the race card. He wasn't doing that. He was saying what was going to happen.

Sunday when Colin Powell endorsed Obama, immediately the right wing jumped on him. It's all about race. Clearly they had no respect for Powell's patriotism, his wisdom, his experience. It was all about race to them. They would have said he was a wise man if he had been submissive and gone along. He did not. He said what he thought and laid out why. He also knew what was coming and said if his endorsement had been about race, he'd have done it a long time ago.

The ones who jumped on Powell ignored that other Republicans, including Christopher Buckley, have also endorsed Obama, many newspapers have endorsed him, who had supported Republicans always; but no, where it came to Powell, Rush Limbaugh immediately yelped it had to be race. It does but it's his racism, not Powell's.

The accusations we are hearing are wild and crazy, sneakily sent out through anonymous emails or robotic phone calls. They work on those who are already afraid of the 'other'.

I read on one of the right wing newspapers that there are now two lawsuits trying to prove that Obama was not born in the United States. If you have been hearing that, and you are one of those who fears the 'other', here is what Factcheck said about it: He was born in the USA. The accusations we are hearing have worked before and McCain is hoping they will again.

Funny how the McCain crew apparently has forgotten what Obama predicted, hope the voters have, or maybe it was all they have to use. It didn't take a psychic, given the last eight years, but it does prove McCain is lying when he says he's not Bush. He is so very Bush.

McCain told Obama that if he wanted to run against bush, he should have run 4 years ago. It was a silly thing to say but the right thought how clever. Maybe if they don't think he's like Bush, they should ask him why he didn't run himself four years ago. Why did he endorse and campaign for Bush in 2004?

You know the answer. He expected a payoff this year, and he's gotten it with Karl Rove sending his minions to help McCain. You can see their fingerprints all over McCain's campaign. The only one who has run a different kind of campaign has been Obama.

What I think is interesting is do people think they can basically sell their souls to win and then have it be anything but a soulless administration? Bush did and we know how that worked out.

If we don't want more of the Rovian tactics, this is the year to make it stop working.


  1. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Rain if you want to see how the Right attacks a person who doesn't agree with them go over to ThirdWaveDave's blog.To think I used to make excuses for them !

  2. Temporarily, I began comment moderation here but feel free to submit comments that disagree with my opinion. I think healthy dissent is good. What I don't want is attacks on other people-- or me. I took my blood pressure today and it was too high! I don't want it going higher :)

  3. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Paul left a comment at Dave's place that included, "I believe that there is a deep chasm in our country between the Left and the Right and the country is suffering for it." Unfortunately, I see him as being dead on. It really upsets the rational side of me to see how we, conservatives and liberals, can't carry on a reasonable dialogue. It especially upsets me when the words that I read are mine. We all sound like we could use a good course in (current buzzword--well, two words) "anger management".
    Cop Car

  4. I agree, cop car. I read what he said and it seemed nicer than I often feel these days. People have this attitude that you are with them or against them. There is so much anger on both sides that you are right. We all need some nice pills-- not to mention bp ones *s*

  5. Sigh. Change is risky. Not changing is riskier given what we've been living with for the last eight years.

  6. Anonymous6:48 PM

    I believe in free speech and honest dissent,because without them we become less than free. I can disagree with someone and still remain cordial towards them. Unfortunately some people only support these freedoms on their terms and only if you agree with them.

  7. Rain, this is a good post. Lots to think about in it. Your readers are experiencing what I experienced for years in the church. Politics or church, it's called extremism, and it is very dangerous. I have the wounds to show how bad it gets.

    I'm blogging on both my blogs for the time being. Eventually if I feel Blogger is stable I'll only blog there but right now I can't trust it. You can choose which site you prefer.

    Sylvia and I are having real problems with Blogger.

    Thanks again for this post.

  8. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Kinda makes ya go hmmmmmm:

    I thought there was no connection, now I am beginning to wonder!
    Think I will stick with my original, safe choice...McCain/Palin

  9. Oh, oh, Rain. I bet that whacko that visits my blog under multiple phony pseudonyms is visiting yours, too.

    I prefer moderating my comments. I, too, welcome all opinions but not when the whackos are vicious, I'm a little too soft for that.

    I'll be so glad when this is over. I mailed in my ballot today. For me personally, it's over. I feel badly about Obama's grandma.

    Did you see Sarah on SNL?

    What are you going to blog about when all this is over? I think The Huffington Post should hire you!

  10. ranay, I don't see anything safe about either McCain or Palin but people have to vote their conscience as to what they see as best for this country.

    Obama has worked with Ayers on education which is what that book was about-- "A Kind and Just Parent: Children of the Juvenile Court." If you read the article, it didn't seem to add anything new to their connection.

    Ayers did good work on education, in a difficult area, and pretty much nobody denies that. It's his past history of bombing to get his way politically that has people finding him detestable and then to later say he should have done more right after 9/11 and he made his own bed. He is not Obama. Philosophies are totally different. Last night I saw Olbermann talking about a lecture Obama gave in 1991 about a lot of the same philosophies he expresses today. His viewpoint is not to use terrorism and even in his campaign, he's not using it which is more than we can say for Palin/McCain. I will go looking for more on that lecture as the 1991 Obama sounded a lot like he does today for his ideas on how we can change things for the better.
