Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Joe the Plumber?

This breaks the plan I had set in my mind to write more about religion right away, but I couldn't believe it today. Joe the Plumber is the next foreign affairs expert to defend and endorse the McCain administration! Are you kidding me?!

From Sarah Palin who is clueless about anything beyond Alaska's borders, and most of what is there, and now we are hearing from Joe the Plumber as the advocate for how wise a McCain administration would be. This cannot be real, can it?

So Joe gets serious news coverage when he declares Obama would lead to destruction of Israel. This is the next Republican star? This is getting weirder and weirder. The Republican party definitely does not believe in experience. I almost feel sad about it. It's like the destruction of a political philosophy that had some merit but has now reduced itself to soundbites and the person who would be fun at the barbecue for the next leader.

When did Republicans decide they want the guy/gal next door to be their president? A desirable attribute in a leader running for president is they know as much as you know? Why not use a lottery instead of an election?


  1. Joe is a loser and a liar -- no wonder they like him. He's just like them.

  2. Oh dear, I missed this one. What, pray tell, does Joe the Plumber have to do with Israel?

    I believe if Ted Stevens is elected in Alaska (he could be, stranger things have happened, like Palin for VP)the Senate will then expel him. That will leave the Alaska governor to make an appointment. Want to bet she resigns as governor and takes the position?

  3. Anonymous5:50 PM

    It looks like the Republican Party is imploding and if/when Obama wins next week, there will be lots of shouting and hand wringing going on.

    I think the Christianist should split off and start their own party. I doubt they could ever get anyone elected, but at least you'd know what you were voting for.

  4. Wow, that is a scary thought, Linda on her appointing herself senator :( Hopefully Ted will lose... and on what the plumber said, it was that Obama would mean the death of Israel. Amazing thinking... or lack thereof

  5. Absolutely unreal! Oh, please, lets get this friggin' election over with!

  6. Seven days to go. Let's start the count down.

  7. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Does Joe the Plumber shop at WalMart ?? :-)

  8. Rain, you're so right-on with your sense that some pretty good ideas (fiscal responsibility, personal responsibility, "government" out of our personal lives) have been hijacked and dismantled by this NeoCon smoke-and-mirrors-and-dark-skinned-bogeymen ideology, and taught by rote to so many of the working people of this country that it has half a chance of winning.

    And that there's nothing at all "Republican" about ANY of that stuff.

    And Linda, I hadn't thought of that:

    "Vice Presidential Loser Appoints Self To Senate!"

    What a perfect stepping stone toward 2012!

  9. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I heard that Joe the Plumber, that isn't really a plumber, doesn't want to be a plumber anymore. Seriously. I heard something the other day that he wants to run as a Congressman. Why am I not surprised? Like Palin, he got his 15 min. of glory and I think it went to his head. Seems McCain is great at creating monsters!
    I agree with many here....I want this to be OVER! I'm SO tired of the nastiness coming from McCain's side. But I DID love it yesterday when one of his people called Palin a "whack-job" Now there's unity for ya, huh?

  10. And "JOE" has evidentally hired a publicist and is looking to be the next Country-Western Star...And is also looking for a Book Deal....

    The only way this would be believable if someone put it in a film is if the Film was billed as a Farce!

    Sad to think this is ALL true.
    The end of the world gets closer and closer....especially in the hands of the Republicans!

  11. It just occurred to me after hearing all this stuff today and yesterday...MAYBE, "JOE" was a Republican plant right from the start. Hmmmmmmm. I wouldn't put it past them.

  12. I got up my courage and watched as much as I could of Larry King's interview of McCain. It was pathetic. Later I watched Obama's video and the contrast was so huge that I wondered why McCain was still within the margin for error in so many polls.

    I simply cannot understand why my college educated and intelligent friend voted for him. I guess ideology trumps education.

  13. Just when I thought things were as disgusting as they could be...along comes Joe and his 15 minutes of fame....trying to stretch them for all they're worth. Thank you John for giving him the 'ammo' he needed. Two peas in a pod....three peas if you can squeeze Sarah in there with them. If this isn't the saddest campaign by the Republican party in my lifetime...I don't know what is.
