Friday, October 31, 2008

Financing Campaigns

McCain is once again criticizing Barack Obama for not taking taxpayer financed campaigning with its accompanying government limitations. He repeated it again after Obama put out his great half hour infomercial. How unfair that Obama would have money for that, that Obama would spend so much money to win this election or so goes the Republican whine.

Obama is running on the support of people people like my family who have given more money than we ever have to any candidate. We have given money when we could have spent it on pleasures for ourselves. We did it because we thought it was too important to hold back. This is true of many families across this nation. The call has gone out that if we want to make a change, we have to do it.

When we gave that money to the Obama campaign, we wanted it to be for things like the infomercial and as many ads and campaign events as he can afford. When this election is over, we want Obama's campaign to be like this old saying:

"Life is not a journey to the grave with intentions of arriving safely in a pretty well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming ... WOW! What a ride!”

The Republicans have made accusations that the election is being bought. If it is, it's from people all around this country. We gave it for him to use; and if he ended up with a lot left over, we'd be disappointed. Spend it all and if we lose, let it not be because any of us held back. This is a time to put it all out there and hope it's enough.

The Republicans, surprisingly enough, have found fault with Obama for not accepting taxpayer money for this election. But what is he running on if not taxpayer money? Money freely given because of belief in the cause.

The kind of campaign Obama has run, sticking to the issues, pointing out where McCain has been wrong but not going into the mud, that has proven to us that our money has been well spent.

If there is anything frustrating, it is that we are also funding John McCain's even though we don't believe in anything he or Palin stand for. Now that's the real thing to question.

I thought the infomercial was great. I was fortunate enough to watch it with Parapluie. Farm Boss had a business trip planned for California which gave the two of us a chance to get together for an overnighter, time to watch female oriented movies. We had fun and got in watching the infomercial while we did.

Obama's program didn't give new information (other than that he has read to his girls every single Harry Potter book); but it brought up the problems our country is facing. Maybe for someone who is undecided or hasn't been paying attention, it will have reassured them about what Obama is running to do.


  1. You are so right about this and what is it that some people can't understand? Like you, I gave more to Obama's campaign than I've ever given before and I really don't have that much to give, but it was important to me to help as much as I could. Now just let Tuesday get here quickly!

  2. I thought the infomercial was beautifully done. It was very professional and showed the human side of Obama. It should net him tons of undecided votes if people watched. Naturally, my Republican friend didn't bother to watch. Many that should have been in the audience were sadly missing.

  3. Count us in. We gave money to this campaign and I do believe it's the first time ever for us. We don't have a television but I still know the money did some good!

  4. I personally like it that Obama's contributors aren't the big bucks types. And that he isn't using tax money is excellent. (Who came up with that idea anyway?)

    And yeah, if people like the message, they will give 'til it hurts.

    Ron Paul raised 5 million dollars in one day because a group of ordinary people who liked his message got together and staged Tea Party '07.

    Obama has done the right thing by keeping away from the special interest groups and not taking their money.

  5. Here are some of the major contributors to Obama. I guess these are not special interests.

    Goldman Sachs $874,207
    Microsoft Corp $714,108
    Google Inc $701,099
    JPMorgan Chase & Co $581,460
    Citigroup Inc $581,216
    National Amusements Inc $543,859
    Time Warner $508,148
    Sidley Austin LLP $492,445
    Skadden, Arps et al $473,424
    Wilmerhale Llp $466,679
    UBS AG $454,795
    Latham & Watkins $426,924
    Morgan Stanley $425,102
    IBM Corp $415,196

    Looks like lots of Wall Street Banks and Law Firms. Several Universities were also listed. Does not look like middle class folks to me.
    And speaking of middle class it is funny how the tax cut keeps going down. First $250k then $200k then $150k and now at $120k for a family. Just wait until he gets in the office and it ends up being $60k for a family that ends up with a tax increase.

  6. Boy, I hope so. He sounds so dignified and presidential. McCain and Palin just "pale" in comparison. If a person takes one look at Obama, listens to the easy soft cadence of his voice, and can't feel reassured, then something truly is wrong. This one is a no-brainer.

  7. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Yup....I started donating as soon as Obama put his campaign together and made my final donation yesterday. And it's been worth EVERY penny! I've never donated to a campaign before this one, but I knew how vitally important it would be.
    Heard Obama say today that McCain is now taking the low road. All they have left are attacks.

  8. so that was $8 million, ingineer out of $600 million total, $150 million just in September. Don't forget McCain got money from all those also during the primary and the Republican party after it. But if you want to think it was all the wealthiest, go right ahead. Ignore people like my family who gave the maximum they could give as an individual. You are kidding yourself, but then your vote, and those like you, gave us Bush. You worry so much about taxes that you would vote in a right wing religious radical but that's okay. Just don't tax you a dime more to pay off what the president you wanted created in debt? Don't cover our debt to the military in terms of injuries or other promises? or just keep borrowing forever. You really do believe in faith based financing and voodoo economics and are going to vote for it again.

    You just might get your way. It's not like this election is over and McCain well might win on lies which he doesn't mind telling. I read today Morris saying put that the ad this week-end that is a lie because it doesn't matter. Last night Bill Kristol defended Alaska's socialism by saying it's Republican so it's okay.

    What you voted for before all worked so well for the middle class with jobs going down the tube, more homes that are being foreclosed and people who can't afford health insurance but protect yourself from tax increases, by all means.

    Biden goofed on the figure he listed. Obama has said it would be under $250,000 but frankly if we all had to pay more, how did you really figure to pay that deficit down or is borrowing forever okay with you? If you get McCain, you will get your way. I wouldn't mind paying more taxes if it goes to making this country stronger and people who say it's all about protecting themselves from taxes shouldn't bother talking about patriotism as it's a farce!

  9. I don't think Obama will raise taxes on the bulk of the middle class because it will hurt the economy but I am really fed up with people who only care about taxes. I have a blog coming up on spreading the wealth... Sunday, I think. If you get Palin as your president, the damage it will do to this country will not be fixable and you just might get her. It's beyond my understanding how anybody could vote for that risk either.

  10. The evening with Rain was very meaningful watching the Obama infomercial. I was struck by the genuine everyday strugling Americans. I could trust that their story was real. In contrast Joe the Plummer is a fake.
    The movies we watched were about women's creativity. About working for love as opposed to working for fame and money. Though the three movies we watched were about women's creativity being secondary to male artistic dominance,they can be related to the Presidential election. The election is about rights we have as United States Citizens. Obama will clearly understand women's constitutional rights and further equality for all.

  11. Great Post, Rain! I feel like you. I have been voting since I am 21 years old and I am now 77. And Obama is the first candidate since 1968 that I have supported. And like you and so very many others, I gave and give---(I gave again today....) as much as I can, in smmall amounts maybe, because that is what I can afford...And because of that I feel I have had a stake in this election in a big way....And as you said, we, the people, are supporting the candidate that we believe in, And---I speak for myself here...The Candidate that gives me Hope!

    It is just pitiful how the Republicans try to find anything and everything to criticize Obama with---even lies and semi truths! I am so proud of all the people who are working for Obama amd who are volunteering for him....It really is WE THE PEOPLE who will have helped to elect him if we all wake up on Wednesday morning and can say, Congratulations, President Barack Obama! From my mouth to God's ear!

  12. Oh, and I forgot to ask you...What were the films yout two watched? (lol)

    And I think your comment to ingeneer is BRILLIANT! And you are right! Where is the Patroitism of all these Repbulblicans always talking about their taxes....Selfish, beyond words!

  13. We watched 'Babette's Feast' (subtitled), based on a short story on the coast of Denmark by Isak Dinesen. It is a lush little film about about duty, choices and giving. I can't praise it too highly. Then 'Sirens' which is as an erotic little Australian film about religion, sensuality and the importance of fantasy in a life; and finally 'Searching for Debra Winger' about how women (in this case all actresses) seek balance between relationships, family, and careers most especially creativity. We finished off our evening sitting in the living room with the fire dying in embers and talking about the movies and the political season. A wonderful evening.

  14. I would not mind paying more taxes if I thought it make this a stronger nation. But if you think that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are going to spend our money wisely, you are sadly mistaken.

  15. Neither Pelosi nor Reid have been out campaigning for Obama. He will owe them nothing. I don't trust either of them but they are not strong leaders. Look how they have been cowed by the Bush administration. They will not run Obama. I am sure he will do some things I would rather he did not but not as many of them as McCain potentially. You listen to the things Palin says and think how bad she'd be if she ended up president. And McCain runs this way and that with every blowing wind. Obama has worked on the ground with programs to help people who need to get some skills. He is talking about what he can do for working Americans as his primary purpose; so give him a chance if he gets in. Quit watching fox *s*

  16. The only thing I watch on Fox is Football and the Simpsons.
